SOS Strikes AGAIN!!!
For those who know that SOS means Son of Satan, here's my story and just let me vent...
So last December my ex-husband (Son of Satan) served me with papers to try and take away custody of our daughter (right before Christmas). Well the first week of August, he lost. Less than one week after that he served me with papers to take our daughters dividend and put it into a joint account (not doing that I REFUSES to have any financial ties to that ********) - found out on Thursday, he lost that argument too! Then on Friday, he got served with the papers of me turning him over to Child Support Enforcement (he arbitrarily decided to not pay me in December and then pay less than half through August of this year). Well TODAY...I get a call from Child Protective Services telling me that I have had an accusation made against me and my husband.
1. I allowed my daughter to be molested and did nothing about it.
2. I allow my daughter to drin****il she's so obliterated she can't stand.
3. I allow her to smoke
4. I allow her to take marajuana and to eat it if she's going to be caught.
Uhhh...EXCUSE ME? What the? NOT TRUE!!!! I am a tight shipped parent. I have rules and they sound like they're "funny" but it's my way of always keeping those accusations listed above as a reminder that we might not always talk about this, but I always think about it and so should they.
The Rules - no sex, no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking - NO FUN. I mean for gawdsakes - their friends even know the rules!!! I repeat them every time I go somewhere and leave them behind or I know they're going somewhere!! The friends even recite the rules!!!
So, I talked to Child Protective Services, they said they weren't going to do anything about it, but because the molestation accusation was made, they're responsible to turn it over to legal. Now CPS said that Legal probably won't do anything either, but he can't speak for them.
I AM SO MAD!!! I swear to God, why won't this Son of Satan crawl back into the bowels of Hell and rot where he belongs!!!
I need something to cheer me...something anything in support for this stupid situation I'm in.
Oh I did call my attorney and told him everything. He told me to ride it out and wait and see.
Ang, he is NOT working - he quit his job in December so he could stay home with his autistic son. Actually the guy (in my opinion) can't hold a job and has ran out of options here in Anchorage. I did turn him over, he has to pay them directly now. He actually paid me support check on Friday (he deposited directly himself) and I think AFTER he did that is when he got his notification from CSED. I'm checking on getting a copy of the check myself to verify if the funds have cleared his account. I don't put it past him to stop the payment. GRRR!!!!