Are you an "Old-Azz?
geez Darlene.. you are definitely one!!!! You are an older one than me, surgery wise. I started going into the chat room April 2000 and there were only a handful of people there! When did you start going? My surgery was Nov 2000. Seems like a lifetime ago doesnt it!!!!!
I bet you remember a lot of the names on my list (see post below).
Hugs and love,
From one Ancient-AZZ to another Ancient AZZ!

you are a very very Old-Azz if you remember David and I "dating" in the chatroom before we married.
You remember Al M.
You remember Darcie Leigh and Lynnie.
You remember Big Pete posting...
You remember our first young un' Cora Elizabeth
The message board before it's current format and the message board barely moved.
When most of the posts involved :"OMG is this happening to you?" because we were ALL newbies and had no clue and no food police?
There were only 3 places to go on this site: Q and A forum, message board and the chat room.
you knew more than one Barb (Barb H and Barbara Thompson).
I especially like the one where you knew 3 Val's and knew them by Region!LOL.
You remember when Lissa Reed was "looking for information"
We had no clue what a DS was.
You remember Debbie "love your guts" Jeffries and the sunshine she brought.
We would go WEEKS without a flaming posts and most of the flaming posts were some teenagers who were calling us "fatties" and made "moo" comments, which sparked a ton of members changing their names to "lynnie-moo" etc...... Boy.. I really had to think back for that one!
You remember Jacque Miller
The only males posting regularly were Doug Smith from NY, Al M from Oregon and David Barr and the old rodeo pants! There was only one David!!!
Man.. there is a lot more but I can't remember them
I am so glad I am an OLD-AZZ!!!
you remember Wanda Smart and her faithful husband Bob. Wanda was one of the first people who had HORRIBLE complications and had to be put on a ventilator. Her life was touch and go forever. I am not sure if she completely recovered but I know the last update not too long ago had her out of the wheelchair for small periods of time.
It scared the **** out of us and we realized that we were the lucky ones and that surgery could go very wrong quickly. Bob was always by her side and continues to do so. He never ONCE bad-mouthed the surgery and had the attitude that Wanda was just one of the unlucky ones.