What's the problem here?
Tooter posted earlier about a run in with a bag of Fig Newtons. An underlying issue was her reluctance to post the run-in on the Main Board. What gives? Why is it so difficult to post with candor? Is that a function of the Main Board or part of a more pervasive situation? What are the barriers to honesty around here? Why do we punish honesty yet reward image?
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
I can see why Tooter of all people would not want to admit she is human on the main board. So many people go to her for advise. She is their image of perfection when it come to wls. If she admits she slipped up it might give some of the newer people on that board an opening to think it's ok to slip up, like on a hourly/daily basis.
People on this board know we all slip up from time to time but it's what we do 99.9% of the time that counts in the end.
I on the other hand could post on the main board about slipping up because I don't have a following to lead down the path of destruction. Yeah it's image, but she's doing it for their benefit.
Just my take on it Jay.
Did you have your visit with Lei yet? Hope you guys had a great time. I, personally, am quite content over here on this board and don't intend to get negative on anybody or any board. Hey--Can you tell I just shot a great round? LOL--I love everything and everybody right now--Oh yes and I am down several lbs from a couple weeks ago. I was kind of nervous to get on the scale, but it all worked out.
Oh and one more thing--if I'm gonna "cheat" it ain't gonna be with a bag of fig newtons! Have a great day!--BTW, where have you been lately? I thought we did something to offend you guys since all three of you regulars seemed to disappear at the same time.
Spot me 20 strokes and I will play you sometime off the ladies tees. I've not played since my heart attack on the course in 2000. While I did finish that round (yes, you read that right), and I can see the place where I had my MI from my dining room, somehow my relationship with the game did not survive.
Lei and I had a great time. When she gets back to VA, I'll let give the play-by-play of it. She's the real deal.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
I don't fully understand either,
But her-
"I would NEVER post this on the Main Board..."
Was probably just a reference
To how easily the "Herd is Spooked" there.
She NEVER fails to share the fact that she
Is NOT Perfect. She will whip out that
Cigarette with a cup of coffee in a heartbeat!
I'm sure it was just meant as a "figure of speech."
Although I do remember a great
Wringing of hands and
Gnashing of teeth caused
By her mentioning eating,
And relying on "Franco Spagetti-o's."
That may not be the actual canned food,
But it was like that,
And folks were just "Up in Arms!"
(Dame T, as you read this account,
Don't be freaked by it
Here's my thought-
She is such a source of support and "Tips"
For the main-board, there's not a day,
(Well nearly and hour,)
That goes by without someone
Directly calling for her in a post.
Even when she's gone out of her way to
Make it clear that this is not the smart thing to do
When trying to get help.
We have no idea of the e-mails-
Grateful, or Thankful, or Needy, or Whack-o,
That she must receive.
That alone would keep me from being
Completely forth coming with the
"Classic Cookie Confession"
That has caused huge uproars in the past.
I think people hold her to different standards
Than they do others.
There are folks out there *****sent what they
View as the "established" and are easily offended
By what they PERCEIVE to be a know-it-all.
(that's because they haven't been around long enough
To get a sense of her from a broad spectrum of posts.)
I've seen some of those resentful folks
Take any opportunity to "Sling Poo" at her.
There are others, with just as skewed a perception,
Due to their extreme gratitude, who would
Happily eat "Poo" if she suggested it.
And would Over-Zealously attack anyone who
Questioned - "Your Kidding, Right?"
She, unfortunately,
Is held to different standards than most all of us.
You can say what ever you like
And get away with it because some,
(OK, Many) Perceive you to be the Curmudgeon.
I can slip "Under the Radar" Cause I'm a bit of a Kook.
I don't think she can.
In short, (too late as usual)
I think she has "barriers" to "candor"
That the rest of us do not experience.
Best Wishes-

so much of what you've said here is well better than I could have ever addressed the topic...so true! Thank you for seeing what many fail to see. And yes, it was a figure of speech.
There are some things I would only share with the longer term postops, not because I fear the poo-sling, but because I don't want to hear - oh tooter eats those, so I can too - ugh!