My mind got confuzzled....
I have exactly what you need in my fridge - wish I could get some to you. I have a pint jar of no sugar added fig fruit spread that I got at a roadside farmer's market the last time I went to Wichita Falls for a support group meeting. They are soooooooooooooo good - nice figs cooked til they are tender and lightly sweetened with white grape juice. I rarely eat bread so occasionally, I just have a small spoonful of this delightful fruit.
I know how it is to become obsessed with a taste - until you have it. I am not a big chocolate eater - and you know my current take on the evils of sugar free candy. Well, I was craving chocolate one night - and I mean craving - I fixed a protein drink - and threw it down the drain; then I was going to make some sugar free chocolate pudding but that didn't sound good. So I headed off to the grocery store in search of chocolate that wouldn't sabotage my caloric intake for the day. I must have picked up 10 different packages of sugar free candy and looked at the labels and put them all back. Walking around the store in a chocolate starved craze, I finally spotted the Brach's Bulk Candy bins - and they have sugar free candies now - I had every intention of getting one piece of that but I knew in my heart and mind how nasty it is (I've tried it) so instead I got the scoop out and got 5 small pieces of Bridge Mix out of a bin and put it in a plastic bag - went to the front and checked out with my 21 cents worth of chocolate - I'm sure the clerk thought I was nuts as this stuff is $5 a pound - so 21 cents didn't buy much. I ate those few pieces of real candy - and satisfied my craving - it wasn't enough sugar to make me sick and not enough calories to hurt my daily intake. And, the important thing is that I didn't have any leftovers to tempt me later. I have done this once - and so far haven't been tempted to repeat the deed. But, I know now that if I feel that I absolutely MUST have chocolate, that is an acceptable way to soothe the cravings.
And, I'm with you, I've thrown perfectly good food away so I wouldn't be tempted to eat it.
It happens to the best of us, Tooter. You didn't do the right thing, and you know what you should have done and I know you'll do it the next time!
Confession is fine, even for a Jew!!
It's September and that's the big month for holidays and I'm pretty sure there's a Day of Atonement in there for ya!!
240/128/115 (at goal size)

Tooter -- that's what I love about you ... and this particular board....
You can admit you're not perfect, and it makes the rest of us feel better because we aren't either.
And I love this board because it's so supportive and funny. Everyone understands what everyone is going through.
I used to go to the main board every day and my state board. Now I just find myself coming here. I love what everyone has to say, and I love the support they receive.
(((((((hugs)))))) to all of you.
P.S. I'm not sure I've ever ate a fig or a fig newton. Am I missing something? I DO know the feeling of having to throw food out so I won't eat it. My husband thinks I'm bonkers!!!!!
All I can say is "Newton" in Jerry Seinfelds voice like he says "Newman". LOL.....
Most of us have been there, done that. I can't count the times I would buy something, feel out of control and throw it out! We make choices, some good and some not so good. As long as we learn from them.
You aren't perfect Toots and you never claim to be. Confession is good for the soul no matter what religion you are.
Thanks for sharing this w/us and I'm sure you are determined to find a way to make a s/f version. Wish you the best.
Take care!
Your Gastric Buddy,