PS update
I want to thank you all yesterday for your advice. It was greatly appreciated. Here is the scoop---I did a ton of research and I believe what the writer was referring to was not about my doc, but about a family member. It was not pretty--but I am from a very dysfunctional/screwed up family and I hope people don't judge me by their actions. I have spoken with several people who have posted to his OH page and all of them have nothing but great things to say about him.
On the other hand--I went yesterday for my mammo and there is a little problem--hopefully it will be solved in time, but unfortunately it can't be solved in time for the surgery on Tuesday. So--my surgery will only be the TT and lipo on my arms.
Thanks again for your advice/support.
That is good news. What a weight off your shoulders.
Since you can't have the lift done at the same time, why don't you have your arm lift done instead? You will be under already and why pay for oper.rm and anesthsia again. Just a suggestion.
You are having your surgery on my birthday. I will keep you in my prayers.
Thanks Jeannie for the good wishes. The reason why I can't have the arm lift at the same time is because there is still fat on my arms
. In order to get a great result he wants to do lipo first and do the brachio down the line. I have read of this from other plastic surgeons so I am ok with it. Hopefully, it will reduce the pulling on the scar and hence reduce the scar. Hope you have a great 29th birthday!
All I can say is follow your instincts. You've done your research.
I'm sure your mammo results will prove to be just a happens all the time.
Best wishes for your surgery on Tuesday, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Remember everything happens for a reason. Maybe this is "the powers that be" way of saying your originally planned extensive surgery was just too much for now.
Ya know Rita--I think maybe you are right. My husband really only wanted me to have one procedure at a time anyways. He said I was just being my impatient self to want it all done at once or in two trips. The bad part is the things that absolutely bother me most about my body are my arms and those darn saddlebags. Neither one of those two will be taken care of first round. Only the lipo on the arms and no saddlebag lipo. He needs to take out too much of the saddlebags to combine with things. I guess lipo is a much more invasive procedure than we picture.
Thanks again and be sure and keep me posted on your findings during your visit re the ps.
What a gyp Lynda! I just got a message from my sister this morning - her momogram is a bit abnormal and she has to go back for more views. Same thing happened last year and all was well - but you gotta be sure. I reminded her of one of our favorite bits of widom - on FRASIER he was upset about an abnormal test result and his Dad told him "Son, you've just reached the age where a lot of things are not going to be 'normal' - lots of 'further testing', 'keep an eye on it', 'probably nothing but...' - it's middle age!" I paraphrase, but you get the idea. Hope that's what's going on for you - I'm sure it is, and I'm sure you'll be happy to hear those words officially.
Keep us posted - and, as always, feel free to vent here - and to celebrate your exciting surgery!
We're here for you!
Making a "recheck" Pap appointment ("just a few abnormal cells") this afternoon.
Hey Lynda,
I'm glad you checked into things, and came to a conclusion that you feel secure with.. Thats the most important, right? The anony. emailer prolly was just upset about the results they or a "friend" received. My goodness, what wonderful surgeon doesn't have an unhappy camper with as many miracles they perform each year? I cant imagine have a perfect success rate being a surgeon. The important part is your safety, and your confidence in him.
I'm sorry to hear of the glitch with the mammo, prolly nothing, but best to be sure. Combining procedures has its ups/downs, so go with the ups, and be happy. Best of luck Tuesday, I'll be thinking of you. Do let me know how the lipo goes, I'm interested in having some done myself, but feeling on the chicken side lol