Brain cramp this morning...
Hi Everyone!
I have to go for my GTT (Glucose Tolerance Test) this morning (I'm 29 weeks pregnant) and I was told to eat a 'normal' meal for breakfast before I come (10:00 AM) and just to make sure that there is no sugar in the meal.
I'm having a problem remembering if that includes natural sugars, too; or, is it refined sugars? Told you I'm having a brain cramp.
PLEASE think good thoughts for me today...I have to take in 50 grams of sugar (either through the drink or through jelly beans) within five minutes. I'm going to me dumping like a Tonka truck.
AND, if I don't pass it, I'll have to take the three-hour GTT with 100 grams of sugar.
Any help with this would be great! Thank you so much!