hi guys..its been a couple of busy days i really havent had much time to chat so i am going to know..the wake and funeral went well ..it was sad but when isnt that stuff not sad..my aunt drove me tottally nuts ..you want to talk about saving a soul in purgatory spend a day with her.. man for 2 days i was with her i thanked god i had clonipens i was starting to lose it ..
she slept over my house tuesday night and i asked her even though i am a smoker please dont smoke in the house i dont like the smell of tobacco in the house i smoke outside always did..even in blizzards rain storms im out side smoking..what does she do?she lights one up in housse..i asked her to die it out n please smoke outside..she starts take me home ..its 1230 at night we have to be up and be at funeral parlor by 9 ..i told her absolutly not if she went home we would not piuckj her up in morning to go to funeral ..i wasnt going to leave my house at 730 drive ijnto morning traffuic when i could leave my house at 845
so needless to say she was a ***** to us saying we had no respect for her because we wouldnt let her smoke in our hoiouse..i told her i respected her in other ways and if she had to respect my wishes about the smoking in the house..then at the cemetry she horns right in with the immediate family at the gavesight were waiting for her and shes acting like the proffessional mourner..ugh..
we were supposed to go to a restrauint after the funeral i took her home i had enough ..tommorow im going to the north end its saint anthonys feast..but im not going by her house because she tottally worn me out
you know i understand that were supposed to have respect for our elders but sometimes to get respect you gotta earn it..im not a kid im 50 years old..when i cook i cook for her to i pick up stuff for her at store never take money..all i ask was that she didnt smoke in my house..i smoke and i dont smoke in anyones house car unless they say its ok ..i went to the beach today it was so relaxing..
i cant believe i start work next week..i need to get a haircut n pedicure..i need a new look with my hair something modern im sick opf the same haircut every time..
well ill be back off n on..i finally uploaded the pictures from linda n rita and theres a few morre on the link..and dee dee no i dio not put sock man i accidently deleted it by accident when i was cleaning out myu mail..waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
love yas

Joann-glad to hear it went well except for your aunt and the smoking thing. Ya know we didn't allow smoking in our house, even when I smoked (not just sneaked like I do sometimes now:wink
. My mother said it was disrespectful to her to have to go outside--or in the cellar. Whatever--the smell would make me sick when I woke up in the morning-just can't get rid of it.
We are sitting here waiting for this darn storm to hit. Hopefully, we are just gonna get lots of rain and a little wind. I think it came ashore right where Susan Maria is--maybe a little south of her. Luckily, it is just a cat 1. It is supposed to strengthen after it passes us. I'm concerned because on Sunday I am supposed to drive with my son up to North Carolina, we may have to deal with this storm twice. Sounds like you're gonna have great weather this week-end. I'm jealous. Looking forward to next week.

on 8/25/05 10:03 pm
on 8/25/05 10:03 pm
My goodness, JoAnn, what a character your aunt is. I agree with your assessment on respect; there is also something called "mutual respect" and she seems to be lacking in that area.
I'm heading out today for a manicure/pedicure/haircut before our 9-day road trip we start next Friday. I so love going and getting spruced up. I tell my hairdresser I need for him to just stop by my house every morning and "fix" me before I head out for the day.
I can't believe you deleted "Sock Man." I guess I need to send him to you again, don't I?
Have a great day and I hope you find a cute, snappy hair-do to go with your personality!

Morning Joann,
Just try to remember that all that negativity is behind you for now.
Aunty will be around again to drive you up the wall. It's just the Italian way. Old people can demand anything they want from younger people no matter how outrageous!!!!, after all they're going to die soon and we will wish they were here to drive us nuts(Yeah right)
It's the weekend almost now and the weather looks like it's going to be great.
Do some fun things for yourself you deserve it after the past week and with school almost started.
Can wait to see your new do!!!
Talk to you later