Hey all, Goooooooooooood Morninggggggggggggggggggggg
Not feeling too good about myself today, I just realised that I have fallen into the old habit of spending money on all these pills and remedies to lose another 30 pds or so instead of trying to watch the eating habits, Even though i have not gained that much weight back I feel like I really need to lose this last 30 pds. I have noticed my stomach getting more fat on it along with that big glob of fat hanging down from the weight loss that i can not get rid of because the insurance will not cover it and i can not afford to borrow the money to do it. I am still going to the gym and committing myself to the excercise. But i know i am getting bigger because I can feel it in my belt and my weist. Keep thinking of me while i work through this, I am not feeling goood about myself at all today. sorry to be a bummer today, I thought I had this licked , But I am really struggling with this in my head,, Love Ya all. Bruce
You are not alone. You are about a year farther out than I am. I am finding I eat more quantity wise and push my luck a lot more on food choices. Things I couldn't tolerate before are going in just fine now. The real question is why am I crazy enough to actually know that I can tolerate these things when I should not have passed them through my lips in the first place. I'm not regaining yet, but atribute that to 5-6 days a week at the gym for at LEAST an hour, often more.
One thing I am trying to learn is to feel good about myself wth out conecting it to food, or what or how much I eat.
reading a really good book, " how much does your soul weigh?"
Welcome to my boat Bruce. LOL.
I keep looking at all the ads for weight loss pills, etc. and get very tempted to buy into them, then pull my head out that real dark place and remember that they never worked before, how is it that they will work now?
My surgery was not even close to being as successful as everyone else's.
I stopped losing weight at 4 1/2 months out, and am no where near goal.
I feel your pain.
I have good days and bad days about my body, and I'm sure I will for the rest of my life, however I'm thankful for the good days!!
Here is to you killing off that last 30!! Good Luck, and keep at it..
I am back on the board for this exact reason. I am almost 3 yrs po and I find myself eating things I KNOW I SHOULD NOT EAT. I haven't gained anything back (yet) but I haven't lost anything more. I'm still about 50 lbs from goal and I've joined Weigh****chers here at work for 10 weeks. However, following their points is making me hungry. I'm back in the "diet" mode. I hate that. Anybody got a stick to beat me up with?
I keep telling myself - you had surgery to rearrange your insides, you've spent over $20,000 HAVING PLASTIC SURGERY to eliminate all the hanging skin and now you're eating things you know you shouldn't WHAT are you thinking???
Hi Bruce!
I'm sorry to see that you are down on yourself today...I know that makes any day suck! Just remember...YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE! YOU are a SUCCESS!
You admit that you are not perfect..heck who is???
You are going to the gym and that in itself is one heck of a committment! YOU GO!!
Now for the food part...go back to basics is MY suggestion if you havent aleady...and if its the grazing...I always think about what Dr. Phil say in his book about weightloss....CREATE A NO FAIL ENVIRONMENT! I know this works for me because if its there..>I swear sometimes it will CALL MY NAME!
The other suggestion I have is...do you go to support groups? This is something that I need to get back into the routine.
Also, last night I was at a gala for post ops in my Doctors group. They had a speaker who had written the book about success after wls. Gosh for the life of me I cant remember the exact name of the book or the author but it has some major keys in it.
Just a thought!
Also, maybe counseling...I know that counseling has changed my life in so many ways that if I get to that point...I would NOT hesitate to go back...
Just food for thought or my 2 cents but I care about you and dont want to see you feeling bad about yourself...its WASTED ENERGY!!
Hugs!! Julie