Only four more months ....
I never find myself crunch shopping. Shopping isn't the chore it used to be. It's actually become one of my favorite past times. Why, last year I even did all my Christmas shopping in the stores and not online. What a concept! On the other hand, the UPS driver asked my mom (lives downstairs and accepts all deliveries) if I died.
But thanks for the warning...
WP (the formerly original Scrooge/Grinch)
on 8/24/05 9:48 pm
on 8/24/05 9:48 pm
I've never watched or bought anything off QVC. I started this monthly countdown back in 1977 believe it or not --- long before the Internet or online shopping. My fellow co-workers use to groan when I would put a sign on my office door January 25th stating we only had 11 months until Christmas (before email days). I've been doing it monthly with family, friends, and co-workers since that time. I guess QVC stole my idea!

I started last week! I really dislike shopping (except for clothes and then I have become a grade A pain in the neck shopaholic) and shopping in crowds (even for clothes) makes me insane. So I get all my Christmas shopping done by Halloween. I actually started this when I was pregnant with my son - who was due and arrived on December 15th. I couldn't imagine Christmas shopping either 9 months pregnant or with a new baby. It was such a wonderful year of stress-free Christmas (even with a newborn) that I just kep doing it. I love Christmas and I delight in being able to enjoy it stress-free. I have a friend who does it the opposite way - shops the last week and she loves it, too. Doesn't cause her one minute of stress - she lives for the crowds and bustle. Guess those are the differences that make us interesting.
Merry Christmas!!!!

6 years ago I had surgery on both my achilles tendons (ione in Oct & 1 in December no less) and could not bear weight on my feet for months. I discovered internet shopping and am addicted. LOVE IT!
I get my Christmas club check first week in Nov and have it all done and wrapped by Thanksgiving. Then DH & I go on vaction the first week of December alone! and have a ball. Really reduces the stress of the holidays! has everything, and no crowds or standing in line. I can stick to my budget easier with out all the temptations in the stores too.