Thank YOU for helping this gal out!
G'morning friends ~
No replies needed, just a quick THANK YOU to ALL....for helping this gal out yesterday. Boy oh' boy did ya'll help out too!!!
Im thrilled by the outpouring of well wishes from ALL of you - I also wanted to thank you INDIVIDUALLY, but didn't want to clog up the message boards with a 100+ one liners. Instead, I've listed all of your names below, in the order that the messages were rec'd. I hope I didn't leave any of you off. It sure was not my intent.
All of your messages were very much appreciated and equally important in leaving a smile in our hearts.
One thing I thought was interesting and worth mentioning? 118 of you posted to Paul's page, 23 sent personal emails and cards. Of the 118 that posted to his PROFILE direct only 52 of those actually showed up as 'emails' in his AOL account. The reason I wanted to share that with ALL of you is so that you realize that sometimes the "email notification" does NOT work. (oh alright, a LOT of the times) ...if you write to someone from the site using the email features on the profiles and you do NOT hear back from them - it truly is VERY likely they never rec'd your email. Or at least a better then 50/50 chance that they didn't. So don't give up on that person, just try sending out another note in hopes that one makes it through.
I'll be sure that Paul reads ALL of your messages when he returns in a few weeks because I'll link his support page to him in an email.
I can't wait for him to come to a mail box crammed full of happy and thoughtful messages. Each of you have contributed to making his 40th Birthday VERY SPECIAL, even from afar. It's hard to do much when the depths of the ocean separate us, but surely a 100+ Birthday wishes from our OH friends, will be one for the memory banks?
Again - thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!
Judy Peterson -----------
Ann McGarth
Jackie (Scottish Lass) ----
Faith Lindsey
Deloris Villarreal ---------
Jacee Free
Cajun Express -----------
Traci Lowery
Mrs. Connie G -----------
Natalie (Irish Pixie)
Vicki H. -----------------
Teresa M
Wendy G. ----------------
Kathy & Rich
Tracee R ----------------
Debbie in VaBeach
Cona -------------------
Dee Dee
JoAnn from Boston -------
Cyndi McCuan
Heidi S. -----------------
Donna Mae
Debbie Cox ---------------
Black Thorne
Jay (Poppa Hotrolls) ------
Stephen Charbonneau
Kiwi M ------------------
Kim K.
Val (IzDawnie2) ----------
Sassy Cathy
Barbara Moore -----------
Leslie Sunsplash
Betty Weaver ------------
Kathy (Kat Bird)
Kim T. (Sunflower Girl) ----
Linda Brunelle
Jesi~ P. -----------------
Yvonne Starnes
Eileen F. -----------------
Judy Bennett
Paula Mayo -------------
Sharon Hollis
Christina J. -------------
Susanna Og
Kandy (Mom of 4) -------
Amanda S.
Heidi in PA -------------
Kat's Mom (Richard Farthing)
Lynda M. ---------------
Bikini Bound
Tammy in Mississippi ------
Karen G.
Carole in VaBeach --------
Rita Whitman
Candy (Princess Splenda) -
Kathy (Poker Mom)
Kelli Joyce ----------------
Stephanie WhyYouWannaKnow
Shannon Hollifield ---------
Butterfly Reborn
Jeannie Boyer -------------
Ken Schuch (Captn K-Man)
Kristy (Queen of Plaster Mel)
Connie in TX
Vegas Deb -----------------
Simply Cami
Betsy AnitaHug -------------
Kim O.
Queen Tina ----------------
Terri (A Wrestlers Girl)
Delilah Patterson -----------
Ruth (Dame Tooter)
Vickie ! --------------------
Inspector Girl
Tracy (Metal Girl) -----------
Leslie P.
David @ Goal ---------------
Valena H.
Christmas Baby -------------
Julie Stayrook
Hottie Ms. Lisa --------------
Lindy (Dixie Chick)
MaryLyn Ramos -------------
Dianna A.
Jeffrey Byrd ----------------
Jewels N.
Joyce Fullerton --------------
Mielissa M.
Dave C. --------------------
Susan M.
Gail S. ---------------------
Pam Moore
Suzy C. --------------------
Monica C.
Jill Dennis ------------------
Jen G.
Peggy Borel -----------------
Konni (~Sweetness~)
Cherrie Bassoonist ----------
Ann L.
Judy Jones -----------------
Luara (KittCat Mom)
Delores S. ------------------
Stalker Val
Kevin McB -----------------
Terri (Angels4unMe)
Tracey Saxon --------------
Sharon (Love it Here Bascian)
Jo Mulvey -----------------
Lisa J.
Patty L. -------------------
Kim B.
Teresa B. ------------------
Mike A.
Carolyn (Celtic Rose)
....and on that note, Im taking my LESS then enthusiastic self to the GYM! Anyone wanna join me?
Hugs - Lei

on 8/23/05 9:34 pm
on 8/23/05 9:34 pm
WOW... that's a lot of happy birthdays for Paul. I hope his day was a happy one. I usually go to the gym after work but not on Wednesdays. I did work out hard yesterday and I'm FINALLY down a pound after almost a month. Only four more pounds to go until I make the century club ... in a mere 26 month time frame!
Did you eat after midnight? Inquiring minds want to know!! Have a terrific day, Lei!

Hi Lei! I can't believe I missed Paul's birthday! I haven't been on the boards much lately, so I missed your post from yesterday. Please wish him a happy belated birthday from Michael and I!
I'm still in a serious funk, hence my avoidance of the boards these days. Kudos on going to the gym this morning; I haven't been working out lately like I had been.
I'm off to the doctor with my dad this morning. I don't remember if I told you or not, but he's going through ROUND 3 with cancer. It's back on his liver and now on his ribs, of all places.
I hope we can "catch up" one of these days; I've missed talking to you!

I guess I did the right thing by not telling him about you and I and Tulsa, eh?
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
"A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business." -Eric Hoffer, philosopher and author (1902-1983)
Hope Paul gets a nice thick fluffy soft pillow for his birthday! He'll need it to sit on when reading allllllllllllllll those well wishes.
It's amazing how many people's lives your life and Pauls affects positively. I believe the saying goes something like "what goes around comes around." You two are just getting back some of what you give.
Remember you have an obligation to give Paul 1 kiss for every wish sent to him and 1 for each mile that separates the Paul from the sender. See you next month!