Are you still losing weight at 2+ years??
Hi all,
Just looking for some help. I am 27 months post-op had plateaued at 1 year for six months or more, went to a nutritionist in Feb 05. Have lost close to 30 lbs since then. Not complaining mind you, but just curious because I am now losing 1 to 1 1/2 lbs a week now.. I don't behave all the time either. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced the same. I try to follow lower carb lower fat diet...
Have a great day,
I hit a plateau at 16 months. My surgeon decided at 18 months that I needed to go on maintenance. When I increased my calories from the 700 daily average to the (800-1200) he recommended for me I suddenly started losing weight again. Guess I was in starvation mode so many talk about on here.
I too follow a low carb diet.
I hear you Pat about the starvation thing. The RN/NUT I see has me eating more than I really could at one sitting, so I break it down into 5 - 6 meals a day. I could never put her meals down in one sitting. She is concerned that I am not getting enough protein, so I add a glass of low carb milk at night if I don't get everything in.
When I do count my calories now it is about 1000 to 1200 calories per day. Guess that is what I needed.
Take care
I understand having to eat 5-6 times a day to get all the calories in because that's what I have to do too. My surgeon says no protein bars/shakes after 6 weeks but the only way I can get the increased calories in some days is to eat a Power Crunch bar (187 calories, 14 gms protein). I figure I'll drop the bars when I'm able to hit the 1,000 calorie mark without them. Besides I love the taste of them, they fill my need for something sweet and give me a protein boost.
I never imagined 19 months ago that I'd be trying to get in extra calories. Isn't this a hoot? Since WLS I've eaten mostly protein so that isn't a problem for me. Often all I eat for a meal is 4 oz pork chop, chicken, etc.
Have a great day!
Hello MaryLynn -
I lost weight for the first 21 months, steadily - then it ALL came to a complete and absolute HALT. I could probably tell you exactly what hour and minute it stopped too, that's how "in my face" and obvious it was.
I'm now 32 months post op and Ive been working my fanny off (literally) to maintain. I gained 15 lbs over a 7 month window, give or take, and have since taken 8 of it off. Although it would be nice to get back down to my 'lowest' ...I have to also wonder if my body overshot it's goal and is now resting where it's at it's happiest.
My daily calories average 1400 on a good day, 2000 on a bad day. About 5 weeks ago, I finally (yep, I said finally) incorporated exercise into my daily routine (5 days a week now) ...prior to that, if it couldnt be classified as FUN (ie, biking, swimming, dancing, walking) then I wasnt interested. Even with my increase in movement/exercise, I can't shake the last 6 or 7 lbs - but, with that being said? ....Im thrilled to see NO variance, either way.
- Lei

I wondered too if my body got to a comfortable place. I would love to continue to lose, I have beat both my & my surgeons goal. Still Obese by less than one point on the BMI scale. If i was to get to my perfect weight as listed on the BMI scale I still have to lose 40 lbs...
I don't know if I have that in me!
Congrat's on losing again...I too need to move more than I do, just plain lazy.
Have a great day.

Hi Christmas Baby,
Then it make perfect sense to me to keep losing at a steady pace if I base it on your good fortune. I was a heavy weight so I still have more to lose despite surpassing what my Dr. thought I would get to. His thought is those who weigh more don't lose as much as those who are considered light weights.
Fabulous amount of weight you have lost, If I lose another 40, I will be at a regular weight. Just can't deal with all the skin.
Thanks for writing.

HI MaryLyn!
That is great that you had started losing again. I am 18 months out. I cant call it a plateau but I have probably only lost 30 lbs this year...of course I had back surgery in May so my exercise routine has suffered but all in all...I feel that when we go BACK TO BASICS...the losing WILL PREVAIL!
I agree, low carb, low fat, lots of water and exercise are all keys to weightloss. I think alot of people think that only eating 600-700 calories will do it...but if your working out and are active....we NEED MORE!
SO we must find the balance and what works for us! There is NO THING as PERFECTION! It's called LIFE!
Keep up the good work!
I started back to basics a few weeks ago...down 7 lbs in those few weeks and boy does that make me feel better...just knowing that WE CAN DO IT! RIght?