not receiving email notifications?
Hi guys--Just wondering--I am only receiving email notifications on a sporadic basis. I would rather not get any at all then just sometimes.
Oh btw--everybody should check out their profile and under preferences or something like that is something like privacy. It is brand new and I think they can give our info away to telemarketers and stuff if we have that checked the wrong way. Check it out.
Well, here I am again, trying to save the day!!! (and make a buck?)
Offering to sell Lynda's emails back to her at a penny a click - for now, Ive got 'em hostage in my inbox!
All right, I'll be serious for a second? I havent had my email notifications come to me on a consistant basis in over a year. LOL, Ive given up apologizing to people for not replying to them - figure we're ALL in the same boat, surely Im (and you?) not being singled out - so it's gotta be a Universal OH challenge.
If I start a thread, I email it to me - so I can monitor it for the first 48 hours. If I get replies AFTER that time frame and don't rec've them in an email - um, well... it's NOT my fault and hopefully others understand.
Hey? I thought that PRIVACY thing was always there? Is this not the same thing as choosing to NOT make your profile public? Yah yah, I know you told us to GO CHECK IT OUT and Im being lazy.