Yes, it is a Gooooooooooooooood Morninggggggggggg!
Good for you Bruce. Recommitment is necessary from time to time. I just had to do that myself about getting back on the treadmill. I'm struggling, but I am determined to get back in the grove of things.
I'm with ya on the grazing thing too! We will NOT let it get the best of us. We have come tooooooooooooo far. Besides, the food never really satifies/solves what we are eating over. Facing our problems is very difficult, but it's what we MUST do to overcome our eating disorders. As the saying goes "It's not what we're eating, it's what's eating us"! And food is only a temporary fix anyway. Then we have to deal w/more problems that overeating causes. Guilt for one, weight gain, the feeling of being out of control, dumping, vomiting, gas, etc.......... We need to keep encouraging each other. We need to keep talking out our problems and get to the bottom of them. Deal w/and cope w/them in a more productive way other than stuffing them down w/food.
Thank God for this support system and thank God for people like you Bruce.
Have a blessed, productive, abstinent day!
Your Gastric Buddy,
Lap RNY 7-8=03
2nd Round of PS coming up on Nov.4th.
HI Friend!!
GOOD FOR YOU! I am very proud of you that you went to the gym..its amazing how much better we feel when WE ARE IN CONTROL!!
YOU CAN DO THIS!!! One step at a time!
I've been tired....for several days now...having done my usual gym routine but I have been doing all my back exercises and THAT is a GOOD THING!
Guess I need to work harder and practice what i preach huh?
Keep up the good work!