OT: Can you help a gal out?
Hello gals and guys ~
As some of you already know - today is my husband's 40th Birthday, yep the big Four-Oh. Unfortunately, he won't be celebrating it at home as we'd originally hoped. We had several plans fall by the wayside (Vegas, Oklahoma, VA-Beach, etc) ...all courtesy of the Navy's liquid schedules and his position on the submarine.
My husband has been a very active supporter through out my ENTIRE weight loss journey. I'm happy and proud to say that he's also made many friends on OH and herein lies my request.
IF you have a few minutes - would you post some "Birthday Wishes" to his support page. Although he will NOT spend his Birthday at home, Id love for him to KNOW that he was thought of (by many) on his very special day.
Navy living can be very difficult for our men and their families. Spending an average of 7 months of each year underwater and away from the rest of the world, with NO form of communications, is difficult at best. I honestly don't know how he's managed to survive/endure this way of living for over 23 years.
What I do know? He is a wonderful, caring, loving, and SPECIAL SOUL - and I love him with all that I am. If you have the time to share a smile, here is his support page:
Hugs - Lei
LOL - too funny Dee Dee. I loved your "Top 16 Reasons to DREAD 40" on Paul's profile!!!
Actually, I decided it was too cute NOT to share with others - so here it is!
The Top 16 Reasons to Dread Turning Forty
16. "Nightline" replaces night life.
15. Ability to rock and roll and interest in doing so disappear simultaneously.
14. Five years eligible, and you're *still* not President of the United States.
13. Fear of losing the ability to perform the old "Carry a wash cloth with no hands" trick.
12. A thong-wearing Martha Raye jumps out of the cake to deliver a one-year supply of Polident as a birthday gift.
11. The annoying way your 'toupe' blows off whenever you get the TransAm convertible over 60 .
10. Movie attendant getting more and more suspicious of you and your student ID.
9. Band that you once camped out to see is now playing the local Corn Festival.
8. Gives your mom yet *another* reason to kick you out of the house.
7. Sudden biochemical reaction whereby you now love Barbra Streisand and Neil Diamond.
6. Grief counseling replaces dream of becoming Menudo star.
5. Takes all your charisma AND a Lexus to be a Babe Magnet.
4. Quieting the room to hear Rogaine commercials better.
3. 60 more years before Willard Scott gives a crap.
2. You're halfway to the age where Anna Nicole Smith start****ting on you.
-- and the Number 1 Reason to Dread Turning Forty...
1. Ear hair keeps getting mixed up in your comb-over.

on 8/22/05 9:36 pm
on 8/22/05 9:36 pm
Glad you enjoyed it. It's hard to believe that I used that one almost 10 years ago on TJ ... this December I'm going to have to figure out what the top reasons to dread turning 50 are for him!!
I hope Paul has a great day. As a former military brat and wife I know the sacrifices that the WHOLE family makes when a family member is in the service. Heck, I spent my "formative" years living on a military base in Africa with no television! Thank you (and Paul) for the sacrifices you're making now from one who made them back many years ago. =)
Hello KIWI!!! (great new pic, gorgeous)
LOL - um, Id actually thought it would be nicer of me to LINK his profile page over to him so he can read it that way. He hasn't quite figured out all the 'tricks' to monitoring this site - so I don't know if he even knows how to get to his surgery page.
Anyway - I then decided.... Naaaaaaaah! Let him open up all the individual emails from OH, it'll be like a gazillion presents waiting to be opened!
Thanks for sharing a smile.
Hugs - Lei
But the ? is--will he receive the emails? I have found lately I get emails sporadically. I believe I would rather not receive them at all cause this way I don't know if I am missing something. Anyway--sorry your plans for Paul's birthday didn't work out. I actually wandered over to the VA board the other day just to make sure you were still alive. Glad to see you are doing well--and exercising too! Weren't you the person who said they were allergic to it? I think that exercise is one of the main keys to long term maintenance. Have you lost the extra lbs yet? BTW--got my plastics scheduled. Yay!
Very good POINT! ...and the answer to that question is NOPE!
He's rec'd about 75 "well wishes" so far and only 36 have hit his AOL account -- LOL, so we're batting less then 50%, not good odds!
Hey? how come you're only wandering and lurking at the VA Board - talk with me woman, you know ALL friends are welcomed. Sorry I was missing in action, last week was the last chance to squeeze every last second in together before his underway. I barely had time to read and post to the VA Board.
LOL - of course, with him gone, you're gonna see waaaaaaay too much of me now and wish for some quiet/down time!
Aaaargh - sorry, I hit SEND too quick on that last reply and forgot to address your last two comments.
Im still fighting with the BOUNCE BACK. Was at 15 lbs at one point, and it's safely down to 6 to 7 pounds. The scales can't seem to make up it's mind which number, on any given day - but at least it's not double digits anymore. Id like to think that SOME of it is muscle mass, but Im not nearly that good (yet) ...the "E" word still makes me shudder, not sure that I'll EVER get that "addiction" you hear people talk about. Oh well, even if Im not addicted, I can say that I've been going for the last five weeks, faithfully!
When is your PS appointment scheduled for?? Details woman, details. Hey? What did you decide to do, is it the breasts ...and? I know at one time you were tossing around several options but wasnt sure what your final decision was.
I think Im gonna go back under and get this stupid turkey waddle thing off my neck. LOL, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I thought that was the PERFECT time to schedule a neck lift. IF I go through with it, it's for November 11 th. We'll see. I hate the idea of more surgery this year but I love the idea of lumping it all into my tax returns "medical expenses" for 2005.
Hugs - Lei
Hello sweet thing - how's the recovery coming??
I miss chatting with you too - you always left a smile on my face, lol, hmm, wonder if you're to blame for some of these laugh-lines (aka wrinkles) that are popping up daily?
I spend a lot of time on the local VA Board and not as much on the main boards anymore.
STOP BY any time you want to, okay? Seriously - I have a LOT of good friends from all over the USofA that come in to chat - just cause it says "VA" board does not mean only the locals post there. It's just a great blend of friends, laughing, talking, sharing, etc.
Okay - on that note, I REALLY need to get off this computer. Good lord, Im gonna be late AGAIN.
Uh, will someone write me a note for the GYM to give to KIM? LOL, she's gonna smack me, I just know it.
Hugs - Lei