Why do we graze?
I am 2 years out as of this month I have gained almost 50lbs. back and I am not full anymore but they say my pouch is fine.Now I do find my self munching all day long why is that why do I feel that need?Does anyone else have this problem,I NEED HELP and I am scared I am not doing this all over again I had to many complications through all of this can someone please give me some answers since my Doctor can not!!!!

Hey Candi,
You had your surgery on my birthday! 8/11!
Sorry to hear you've had a rough time of it.
Counselor? Therapist?
If you are feeling that you need help,
Then go for it.
Just like with the WLS, research it,
Find the best in your area,
See if your insurance will cover
And do it. Yes?
You deserve the success you went after.
And looking at your profile-
You look great. Congratulations on all
You've accomplished.
You don't have to struggle to hang on to it alone.
Best Wishes-
candy, sorry you are having trouble. i totally understand and too find it very hard to avoid grazing. but to answer your question "why",on one hand that can be an individual answer for evryone....as overeaters collectively, i would say in general we graze/overeat because of personal issues,and you have got to attack that head on thru psycology,prayer,journaling...point is you have to get to the bottom of your personal issues /demons or you (we all) will never beat this thing. myself included, i have soooo not mastered any of this at all.
good luck to you and i know you can do it! get control now before you gain anymore,you can do this!!!!
Hi Candi
I am having trouble with grazing at the moment. I find myself wanting to eat, but I have no hunger. Lately, I feel as though I need to be eating something ALL the time. I usually eat popcorn, a handful of dry cereal, or two s/f popsicles. I don't know if I feel this way because I drink protein shakes and drink tea ALL day until supper or what. I want to eat from the time I get home from wor****il I go to bed. Any suggestions from ANYONE would be grately appreciated.
Hugs and happiness, Tammy

I am a grazer also
Tho as of lately, I am actually working on not grazing.....it is taking everybit of self control I have, and sometimes it is not enough.....But I am working on it none the less! The one thing that saves me is my scale. I am always up and down the same 4-5lbs.....but if I go up anymore.....then I get worried! Right now I am up 9lbs, but I am retaining fluid from my plastic surgery......but it has me scared anyways! Do you use a scale at home???? If your surgeon says your pouch is fine, then it probably is
Grazing and drinking caloric beverages are the two main ways to out-eat this surgery! The great thing is you still have the tool.....you gotta learn to use it again.....its gonna suck, your gonna be hungry......but if you wanna get that weight back off, you gotta do it!!! Go back to protein only for your meals and get in all your fluids! I agree with DX and I would try and get to a shrink too......I have my appt set up for the first of next month
Take Care and wishing you the best

You've been given some great advise already so I won't repeat it but will add a couple of things that are working for me. Soon after surgery I found myself wanting to snack so I made the rule I can snack but it has to have some protein, and be eaten in limited quantities. I can have one snack between meals. Most times when I want to snack it's the carbs I'm craving so when I limit myself to protein items I usually just skip the snack. It's a game I play with myself, but whatever it takes.
Example of snacks I allow myself:
10 almonds (or)
1 oz cheeze (or)
6 pork rinds
I'm sure as I get further out I may have to eliminate the snacks but right now I'm staying between 800-1200 calories including the snacks.
Another suggestion is to log your food if you aren't doing it. I hate to log anything that isn't healthy so it makes me think about it BEFORE I eat it.
You've done this before and know the routine protein, veggies, fruit. You can not only stop the regain but lose the excess pounds with a bit of concentration and exercise. Think about where you were pre-op and all the reasons you don't want to go there again.
Best of luck! We're all sending good vibes that you will turn this around.