What's in a word?
I suspect that we have two classes of people around here: those who were/are obese in a lifelong sort of way, and can't remember otherwise and those who were not always obese and can recall times event fairly recently when they were near a normal weight. Those who can remember being a normal weight have something to reclaim, whereas those who do not remember any such time are left to wonder what having a normal weight might mean.
Make sense?
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
This new body is a "Whole New Toy."
I can't even compare it to the Old one.
Good thread....
Keep em' coming.
(oh, did you write that -
"even through nothing seems to be happening-
The tree is putting down more roots...."
Re-post if that was you,
My memory is going on off to greener pastures...
Best Wishes-
The first time a doctor said I was morbidly obese I wanted to die. I hated all those words. Fat, obese, all of them. Now I can say I was super morbidly obese because I was. I don't say them around people who are obese however. I remember how I felt. I now say I was really fat! And now I'm not. I can't see changing the name of the magazine however. Are we going to change the website too? What will we call it? thosewhoweighmorethannormal.com??? I mean come on...we all were, and some still are obese! That's the word. We use skinny, petite, small (and yes, I like using them more than obese)...we're getting weird. Obese is a word...
I see Obesity is a medical term. I was hateful of the word FAT when I actually was fat. I now have no problem with saying I was fat and never want to ever be fat again. I will not use the word fat to describe another human being as I remember the hurtfulness of being called fat in the past. I see no problem with having a magazine be called Obesity Help. as far as it laying around my house, anyone who is going to see it knew me when. My oldest son asks me why I still go on a website for obese people when I am not obese any more. I just say, the fat girl will always live inside me. It is a part of who I am, who I always will be. Ramabering that will help me stay healthy and maybe I might have something to offer to another who needs a boost of hope.
As far as my relationship with my former fat self, It will always be a part of me, but When I see pics I feel bad for the poor woman in those pictures, I am greatful for having had the help to get where I am today, even tho it will be a lifelong process to stay at the healthy weight I am now. there are definatley days when I want to erase it( the obesity) from my life. I think the multiple plastic surgeries I have had and am planning in the future are related to that process. even tho it is part of me , I sometimes wish every one else would forget and not define me by my size. I know I am a contradictory woman, but hey that's my perogitive as a woman!
Hello Jay -
I personally despise the word OBESE and/or FAT. Whether it's intended as negative or not, is a moot point in MY mind. When I hear it, it's heard as "negative" and negative (stinkin' thinking) has NO room in my life or my head. That being said, what's negative to ME is NOT negative to the next guy/gal. To each his own - and we all OWN things differently.
Strictly Lei-Logic here - I would NEVER name a magazine I was trying to promote or SELL "obesity" anything. In the all mighty world of "first impressions" and sales, sometimes cold hard reality isn't the best way or the ONLY way.
*I* would reach for something that promoted positive thoughts, like a "Healthy Lifestyle" vs "Obesity Help".
Speaking of healthy lifestyles - I looked at the menu items at PANERA Bread and some of those sammiches are 900 freakn calories and I don't think it includes sides!! Good gawd almighty, how big are those suckers?!? Can't wait to finally meet your silly self - 2 weeks and counting.
- Lei

I was 16 when I first heard myself referred to by the doctor as "morbidly obese". I didn't realize it was actually a technical term, I thought he was just trying to make me realize how dire my weight situation was.
I was obese and I am horrified and embarassed about how I treated my body for so many years. I still cringe at the word obese. I know it's not rational but that's "our" word to use for ourselves, and not for other people to call us.
That's just the way I feel. But I don't think they should change the name of the magazine. It's not really a magazine for my coffeetable anyways!