Nervous Wreck this morning!!!
Bea J.
on 8/21/05 11:20 pm - Brownsboro, AL
on 8/21/05 11:20 pm - Brownsboro, AL
Everyone please keep a kind thought, prayers galore and everything crossed that I have a positive phone call hopefully this morning. Today is the day that they make the final decision on the job!!! I really do want this one and I pray to all the higher powers that be, that I do.
I am nervous wreck, can't eat and going to the bathroom about every ten minutes.
Thanks in advance for the gestures in kind. And may everyone else today have a good day and all that you strive for come into being.
Best to all,
on 8/21/05 11:31 pm
on 8/21/05 11:31 pm
Sending up prayers for you. I am in charge of recruiting for our finance division (I'm not part of HR though... we recruit independently of them). I try so hard to keep people posted on the progress of our hiring decisions and I still HATE sending out reject letters. But I do love the excitement of calling someone to tell them we're making them an offer and I'm overnighting them an offer letter.
Let us know when you hear something... I'm sitting on the edge of my seat for you!

Bea J.
on 8/22/05 12:22 am - Brownsboro, AL
on 8/22/05 12:22 am - Brownsboro, AL
Thanks DeeDee, I have been just about all morning sitting on the edge of blame commode more than any other seat right now. I hate rejection too and hate even more having to give it at times. Guess that is why I now have that hollow pit feeling in my stomach, I always have it though. Guess my heart and such prepares me in ways for the worse in case it does come. Which I pray that it does not this time around.
It is so hard today trying to find things to occupy my feeble mind with this morning!!!! Pray something will arrive soon!!!!!
Best to you and all,
Bea J.
on 8/22/05 12:26 am - Brownsboro, AL
on 8/22/05 12:26 am - Brownsboro, AL
Thanks Ken, I am in total maximum overdrive right now with nerves. I always get this way though. This will be such a career change for me if it comes through. Hopefully and prayerfully all of the testing was not for not. But yet, I am scared to death. Do keep a kind thought, and a ton of prayers abound.
You mean the world to me SPECIAL K.
Best to you and all,
GOOD LUCK BEA!!! I'll be thinking about you and praying that you get the job! I'm going through similar myself...they did promise me the job but waiting for the remodel to be done....ugh! I hate waiting...I am SOOO ready for a job change but it will be VERY DRASTIC and I"m sure i'll go into JOB CULTURE SHOCK!