Good Morning!!
on 8/18/05 8:45 pm
on 8/18/05 8:45 pm
FROST?! Ohmygoodness... Frosty isn't far behind! I'm so jealous. We're burning up in Mississippi.
I'm going to see my surgeon today. For the first time I have "low" numbers in my bloodwork so we have to figure out how to get the Zinc and Vit. A back up. Not dangerously low; but under the acceptable range.
You have a terrific day too.
DeeDee (wishing it would SNOW!)
Am glad you are getting that checked on... I have to have mine done in November, we will see how that goes...
Yes was 32 out on the porch this mornng, so am hoping the mosquito's and the bats will be leaving..
Be good to yourself today... and remember your protein and vities.....
Let it snow....

Morning Val & All,
A frost already, Fall does seem to be arriving a little early this year, but today looks like it's going to be a great one.
Will be in Maine this weekend, at the lake. Not too many more weekends to enjoy there....
Hope everyone has a great day and super weekend.
Remember be good to yourself.
morning froost up here the mosguitos are in full force ..ugh..last night i sprayed my yard with yard gauard lit citronella candles and they were still out..i sat in my yard last night and read also swatted the mosguitos away
funny thing is you know fall is in the air..the sun seems to be not as hot as it was in july ..and most of my flowers and plants have gone to plant heaven..only a few plants are still living and the tomatoes arent blooming any year ive decided for the price of water and time im just going to go to a farm and get tomatoes
i was disapointed how my tomatoes turned out even my basil didnt grow as much as i wanted..ugh..
maybe it was this year ive had beautiful plants before..
and lots of luck
sad a italian who cant grow things
im going out today i dont know if im going to beach or going shopping it depends on my princess i told her we would do something togeher today ..shes holding the shots..
i have to run up city hall and go to school dept for some personal stuff and then my day is fre
have agreat day
tossing you a new bic lighter and pack of ciggys
love ya
oh boring boring flower pj last night

as you!
and stuill the number 1 adopted daughter

Good Morning Syb,
I missed all my gardening things this year, but next year you can count on some plum tomatoes, and some beef eaters, for my sauces.. basil, and thyme, and of course spaghetti squash to go with it..
I ordered my dehydrator and am hoping that will be in today, will go into town later and get some quart size canning jars, and start dehydrating my celery, this week, and blue berries next week, etc...
nothing more I hate then buying a bunch of celery using one stalk, and then the rest goes bad....
and I need to bulk up the panty for soups and stew this winter, so dehydrating has always been my favorite thing to do.
I went out the other day, and the wild raspberries are out and they are so sweet and good, and hoping, I can dehydrate some of those too.. will be good in scones this winter..
eeyores today....
You have a wonderful day, you golden child you.. lol....
Love ya Bunches....
and STILL trying to be as
as the golden one.... lol

Well it will be a busy weekend both my girls have soccer practice Saturday one @ 1:30 the other @ 2:30 so I will be at the field for a couple of hourstaking sunscreen and umbrella suppose to rain all weekend .I also have to clean house my folks are coming up next weekend ya'll know how mom's can be
Well I'll probrably lurk on the main board for a little bit .Ya'll have a great weekend ! Kristy

Bea J.
on 8/18/05 11:09 pm - Brownsboro, AL
on 8/18/05 11:09 pm - Brownsboro, AL
Morning Val,
Not much on the agenda today except for work here and tonight at the bowling center. STILL WAITING on word about the new job. I wish I knew sooner, I am about the most impatient person in the world. Please keep a kind thought and prayer still.
I wish the dang little buggers( the mosquitoes) would die out here, I swear if one is within five miles of me, he is going to get me. Wish I could attract other things more worthwhile in life other than them!!!
Don't overdo it on the laundry, enjoy your Friday and the rest of the weekend.
Everyone else take care and have a great weekend as well.
Best to all.