Silliest Postings?
I'm going for PS this Christmas,
And I haven't gotten to the part where I have to take
The "most revealing of photos"
And send them off to strangers at the insurance company.
But when I do,
The rest of me will SO be Blocked out of the Photo.
They may not even know it's me!
You can bet the Ranch,
I won't share them here!
Best Wishes-

Dx--The photos truly were embarrassing. I also had to have my daughter take some to send to ps's in Costa Rica and Brazil as I was considering that option. I kept saying--don't take my face. There was one which caught a little bit of my face--cropped it immediately--and destroyed the evidence. LOL Notice I said my daughter--not my husband, I really didn't want to be demeaned in that way in front of him.
Take care and have a good day.
Oh and btw--I still do visit the main board occasionally. This place was so helpful to me while I was researching. I didn't post, just lurked for almost a year, but just reading the posts were helpful. Of course, I did lots of additional research so I was able to weed through some of the crap--hence why I chose Lap-RNY rather than open (despite the nay-sayers). I just try to avoid the threads/people that really make me