Silliest Postings?
So is this where everyone is going?
Under the "Might be Well Meaning"
But Clearly -
"Overly Dramatic,"
And from a position of "Complete Inexperience,"
Here's my bid for the 3rd silliest posting yet-
Original Post by a "Guy" (DS- 9/15/2005) at 8:39 PM PST on 08/11/2005
"DUMPING IS DANGEROUS, is the brain crying out for glucose, it needs it to live, it causes the heart to race. tachacdia sets in, hopefully the liver has some glycogen in reserve, (that the stuff that lipitor tries to suppress and so does glucofage for diabetics) will dump some and balance blood sugar out from the rush of insulin that the pancreas dumped because of your undigested carbs entering your intestine. But you've had wls and loss your obesity and some of the fat in your liver. Maybe it has enough, and you recover before your heart go into arithmia, OR ATRILFIBULATION, Got a DEfibulator. dialed 911, Or did you go someplace private to DIE ALONE maybe."
Further went on to add------
"I frequently read post indicating that someone dumped and they are implying a nonchalant attitude, or that they just went to bed hoping to feel better in a couple of hours..... but for Some, they Never Post Again!"
He makes sure to post this about once a week to scare
People who are looking into having RNY away from it.
Hopefully he will be able to get more people to look into
Having the procedure -
That he will be having in a little over a month from now.
Anyone out here Dump and LIVE to tell about it?!?!
Or is this where all of those RNY 1 year Post-Ops go-
To DIE ALONE in their beds, the remnants of an Oreo cookie
Clutched in their "Cold Dead Fingers!!"
Just more "Skew of the Facts"
Coming from the "Interruttore strega"
Just amused ---
Best Wishes-
Too funny DX--isn't that the post which started your rant over the week-end? Not to get too preachy on you--but this is what I have decided. No matter what I think of a certain post/thread I'm gonna try to not say anything negative about it (I'll keep it in my head--or at least try:wink:
When I went on the DS forum the other day I noticed that people were dissing the main board--I do it too--but I really don't want to get into that type of thing. I am gonna do everything I can to look at the positive--
We are way better than that--and I love some of the discussions which have already originated on this board--from you and others.
I must admit though"Anyone out here Dump and LIVE to tell about it?!?!
Or is this where all of those RNY 1 year Post-Ops go-
To DIE ALONE in their beds, the remnants of an Oreo cookie
Clutched in their "Cold Dead Fingers!!" 

I saw this on one of the boards
And copied it.
I didn't know it had caused ruckus
I just thought it was SO "Over the Top."
Thanks for the "Preach,"
You get an "Amen! I'm Guilty, Amen"
From me.
I also have read some of those-
"Look what a stir I caused on the Main-board"
Posts over on one of the Forums,
And it "creeped-me-out" a bit.
That is Way Out There"
And somehow it seems
Motivated by a Skewed Psychological Need
To be Better or "More Right than others."
It's an easy trap to fall into for us here too.
We tend to get a bit over-zealous in patting
"This Board" on the back.
I'll join you in the goal of
Optimizing the good/useful
And skimming on past the speed bumps.
I encourage folks who are "Making It"
(Not only @ Goal,
But just continuing on toward continued better health)
To not "hide-out" over here,
But share your experiences
With the Main-board
So as to balance out the-
"....go someplace private to DIE ALONE ..." BS!
There is a devoted coven of preachers
Looking for any opportunity
To leap up on the stump
And shout out why all of us RNY'ers are
Uneducated, ill-informed, living lives of desperation, etc...
On a Daily basis, I continue seeing -
"THEY'll never able to eat like a human again..."
"Spending their lives measuring out THEIR meals in ice-cube trays..."
"Un-able even to chew gum for the rest of THEIR lives..."
"Never being able to taste a beer again as long as THEY live..."
"...A life of daily vomiting, THEY might as well been bulimic!"
"After one year of loosing THEY gain it back anyway...."
As one of the "THEY,"
Who has none of those problems,
It strikes a nerve.
When it is SO over the Top,
It hits my funnybone.
Even though it is a source of silly amusement
To see such coming from people who have yet
To even have their procedure,
I'll refrain from pointing.
OK, I admit,
I'll still giggle,
But I won't point.
Best Wishes-
when I see that I wonder, hey, I thought I had the RNY ? I am almost 3 years post op, have lost to a healthy weight, havn't regained, stable since jan 2004, have only vomited a very few times in 3 years, I must admit I have not tasted a beer since surgery, but then I hated it before surgery too. lol. I have dumped several times and lived to tell about it, Usually it was due to my own stubborness and stupidity. I eat healthy portions of food of all types, but CHOOSE to stay away from fried foods, junky foods, eat fresh whole good stuff. if I want to I have a treat really bad I do. If I want f french fries I eat a few, 5-6 fries, If I want chocolate I eat A little good quality real stuff. I am not suffering here.
OH horror of horrors I do chew gum , just don't swallow it, I also occasionally drink diet pop a couple times a month, and I eat popcorn on a regualar basis every time I go to the movies so once or twice a month.
does that sound like the horror storieS????
Just understood your first line..
"My Rant last week-end" I got you.
No, this was totally different.
This one amused rather than angered me.
The typical- 2 weeks out- "can I eat______ yet?"
Won't cause any ripple with me.
I, in fact, will answer 30 or more with the same-
"What did your Dr. say about it?"
It's just the one's that intentionally mis-lead others
That tickle or tick me off.
I hope that those who are moving along with their
Journeys will share some "Real" info with the main board
Whether that is-
"I'm cruising along just fine, and this is how I've done it..."
"Yes, there is the constant threat of Bounce-Back Weight!"
I promise,
Not another rant.
I did list it as "3rd"
And was only looking for "Silly."
Clearly "Sock-Man" is in the Top 2!
Best Wishes-