Hello is anyone home?
That is so AWESOME Val!! I hope my daughter has the same, good, positive experience in a couple of weeks when she starts at her new school too!! By the way...drop me an e-mail if Marianne is interested in writing/e-mailing/instant messaging Malissa...I don't know how close they are in ages, but maybe they would like to meet, via the internet. It would be neat if they are close enough in ages and could converse back and forth. If interested, just drop me a line and we'll go from there.
Well, tell her the Cap'n is pretty happy for her and so happy for you all there in your new home. I am so glad things are working out for you and your family. You take care now and be good to yourself...Cap'n K-Man

Hey Val,
Don't know if you will get this since it is late but just wanted to say hi.
My day was OK. I have so much to do at school and I spent a lot of the day in a meeting but it was OK anyway.
Steph my youngest who has had juvenile arthritis since she was 4 called me at school in tears and said her knee was swollen and hurt. She has been in remission for 2 years so we are feeling a little sad about that.
Hope you have a great night.
love ya,