my fantasy ..posted from main boards
have 2 fantasys nooo not sexual! lol
ok im here cooking away and i have barry manilkow on..gotta love him and off course i think i can sing like him...nooot..
well i am a FANILOW..i love him love his music and as the cds are on im singing away..for years ive always had this fantasy so here it is and it might sound clichue but this is it!
I always wanted to go on stage and sing a set of songs with barry manilow no im greedy not one song about 5 if i ever get the chance the dress will be bought! and i will wear that dress and sing my heart off with barry and be a diva,..
now my other fantasy is io want a makeover from qweer eye for the straight guys..i want them to give me a makeover and do me up go thru my closet and do my house over..i would love to spend a day with those 5 guys id have a blast ..
so thats my fantasys ..sigh..isnt that whats its all about dreaminmg and wisdhing on star
back to the cooking
Hey Joann--You definitely have the rythym to sing with Barry. I am trying to figure out what my fantasy is. I would absolutely adore a makeover. Wondering about that massage you wrote about the other day. I have never had a massage. I used to be worried about my fat--now I would worry about all that squishy skin. Any input? Feel free to email me privately. Gonna think about my fantasy for a while--but I enjoyed yours. Oh--and I think we need to plan something so you can buy the dress you tried on or another really hot dress. What do you think of that idea? How about a Vegas get together?
Hey Lynda,
I got my first massage earlier this year when I went to Massanutten Ski Resort ~ It was WONDERFUL!! Very, very relaxing! She even massaged my scalp and my hands and feet. I had the massage in the evening and went back to the condo and slept like a baby!!
They have a school up the street from me where the students learn to give massages. I am going to check it out b/c you can get a massage there from a student for around $20. I think I am going to start treating myself to one every month!