Checking in.
Hey Lynda great to see u girl... What my plans are is laying low gettin ready for school to start Monday. Sat. we are grilling shrimp with a slip of cheedar cheese and jalepeno deseeded wrapped with a piece of bacon MMMMM for our "last meal" before the rush of school Monday. That shrimp is definately a favorite here -just time consuming to prep.....
have a good weekend

Deb--School starts so early down in the south. In New England, where I am originally from, school doesn't usually start until after Labor Day. Just recently some of the schools have started before Labor day so the kids can get out earlier--but it caused a big hoopla. That shrimp sounds great. Do you put the cheese inside in a slit and grill it? How do you do it?
Today we have just been taking it easy. Doing laundry and such. Just dropped our 4 month old at my in-laws and later we are going to our HIGH SCHOOL REUNION!!! OMG I'm both excited and nervous. I don't think any of these people have seen me since well before my surgery and even though I'm not at goal I AM 200lbs lighter and can't wait for the reactions. I hope I'm not disappointed and don't get any. As for tomorrow, no plans at this point but will probably do more laundry and clean house and stuff like that.
Thanks for asking. I really wanted to tell someone that might undersand my feelings about going to the reunion.
Cindy W

HS reunion--how exciting is that?! Congrats on losing 200lbs that is great. I hope you get a big reaction from your former classmates. I have never been to a HS reunion. We were at a family reunion last week-end and I got lots of compliments. My husband's 80 something yo uncle told us he has never missed a hs reunion. Can you imagine that? Have fun and be sure and come back and tell us ALL about it.
Hi , Lynda, I'm workingall week end Till Tuesday then the kids start to school that same day,
for the Mom!!! They have been fighting all summer
, next year that want to work at summer camp's , I love to spend time with them one at a time, "hormones"? this is me>>>
Labor day week end I'm going to Ohio to see my baby sister,to see her new baby ,
, and MY kids are not going with me!!!
I want a nice quite week end , and the 6 1/2 hour drive to Ohio.

Kim--I remember those fighting days with my kids. Actually they are 21 and 22 and home for the summer. I walked in one day and my daughter was locked in her room--should have known something was up. Well--they spent the whole afternoon fighting and saying really mean and nasty things to eachother. Luckily, it doesn't happen very often, but it is really painful for all of us when it does. My kids were meant to be only kids. I bet you can't wait for Labor Day week-end. I remember once telling my husband about my fantasy--well he heard the word fantasy and got all excited--til I told him my fantasy was to go to a hotel by myself and spend the entire week-end alone. He kind of got hurt feelings. Don't party too much on Tuesday.
Hey...Its Sunday and I'm at work and bored bored bored....not one single phone call. Can't wait to get out of here....
Walked yesterday and spent 3 hours on the beach...walked today too. Going to DJs for shrimp after work. We usually go on Sunday evenings to meet friends....Doug likes to I go along.
Not much happening tho.....getting motivated again....trying hard. Or hardly trying...can't decide.
Life's a beach..........