Checking in.
Hi everyone! It's been very quiet around here the past couple days so I thought I'd check in and let you know what is up with me and find out what's happening with you. I got back from Boston on Wednesday night and went to Tampa for a ps consult yesterday. Went for my pre PS PCP clearance appointment today and everything went well there. I did go for an xray on my knee and get to go see an ortho guy for that.
Plans for the week-end--I'm golfing! Yup Saturday and Sunday with my hubby, son and daughter. I just love spending time with them and that is all my son and husband want to do on the weekends. I'm sure there will be some great matches and maybe even a good game of whist in the evenings. Having the kids home for the summer has been awesome. I would love to just freeze time just as it is.
What's everyone else's plans?
hey lady!
had a boring boring day ever get the lazys? today i cleaned my house and chnged put on house pants and a t and read off n on all day just vegetated today..
its gonna be a hot weekend up here ill probally go down the north end tommorow night and hang out and sunday play it by ear..
your kids must be glad that your home and how cute all of you golfing
dont forget next time you come to boston let me know maybe we can get a few more people to come if not it was enjoyable with you and rita..
take care and have a great night!
oh main board the resrtraunt card debate

Joann--it was so boring on this board that I did venture over to the main board and caught glimpse of the thread--lol. Hmm-lazy day--I have those alot, but usually cleaning my house isn't part of it. I can't wait to get together again. Maybe we can do it on Aug 31st? I'll be there then and Dennis has plans for the day/evening. Oh--he was looking at maybe getting an apartment in Boston. Don't know if he'll do it, but he was perusing the ads. Sounds like a fun weekend. Have a canoli for me.
hey lady
i can meet you after 330 that day i start work that kids but meetings ..meetings and going tru the rules and regulations of school again..
yea they have a assembly for staff just like students and give us the rules of the years and the welcoming of the new staff..
oh i didnt tellm you the stret we got the cannolis on the man holes blew up the north end was in a frenzy thursday afternoon till yesterday..
im going to email you about something later on ok
have fun golfing and enjoy the familia
today was swimming and shopping with my two girls in Ithaca-we hit the thrift store and an consignment store and for less than $150 they are all set for the fall and school. Plus the 14 year old is thrilled because it was Abercombi, Hollister and American Eagle for the most part she got.
tomorrow I am going to walk the high school track early, then go to services and then swim............maybe a movie with the girls later.
love summer
gratitude is my attitude
Amanda S VG-DS October 2001
highest >350/342 start of wls journey/154@goal and after ps

Amanda--Good job on the thrift shopping. Funny thing about those brands--they all look like they came from thrift stores when they are brand new. Sounds like a fun and active day tomorrow. I plan on doing my water aerobics in the pool after golf. Anything to get moving without killing my knee. Have a great week-end.
Hi Lynda,
I don't have any big weekend plans. I worked alot this week, so this weekend I'll have to catch up on laundry and housework and do the grocery shopping. I'll probably rent a couple of movies to watch in the evenings.
How did the PS consult go yesterday??
Enjoy your weekend ~ have fun golfing!

Eileen--no fun dancing get togethers? Laundry, housework and grocery shopping--three of my favorite activities--NOT! LOL! But I guess they have to get done eventually. After being away for 10 days I spent the past two days catching up on laundry and shopping. The cleaning--well I got the house vacuumed, but it still needs more detailing--especially the bathrooms.
The plastic surgery consult--it went well. I believe I am going to have a different doc do my breasts and arms. I may have hime do the tt. We will see. My last consult is next week. I am really wanting just a breast lift, but I don't love many of the pics that I see with the lift only. The doc I am seeing next week uses the pectoral muscles to lift and support the real breast tissue. That prospect excites me--I just want perky breasts--I don't care about size. I've had big breasts my whole life and always thought I would have a reduction--not implants.
Have a great week-end.
No, no dancing this weekend
Even though we are all about the same age (I'm 47), they all have grown children (or at least old enough to stay by themselves) and mine are 10 and 5 and I always have to try and line up a babysitter. The girl I had watching them is staying with her Mom this summer and my Mom can only watch the kids every 2-3 weeks. So, hubby and I don't get to go out very often.
Good luck with the next consult. I so want to get the girls done eventually! It will be a while though ~ have to pay off the TT first.

Hi there
Today I am recovering from grouting the tile we laid last weekend. We're doing the whole downstairs a room at a time. I don't mind laying the tile but the grouting is awful. My back is very sore and my wrists are killing me. Don't think I've ever had sore wrists before. The room looks great but I'm worn out.
Tonight we are helping at our church with a big Welcome Event for the incoming freshmen to the youth group. Should be fun.
Tomorrow is church in the morning and the rest of the day getting ready for school to start Monday. I've got three teenagers, a senior, a junior and an eight grader. It's been a great summer and it went too fast.
That's it from me. Take care,