Leaving for the Weekend!!!!
Hey Ya'll , Just wanted to tell you.. that... after work today I am going to Babysit the grandbabies..
that would be a 5 week old, a 6 month old and a 2 1/2 year old... think I will have fun?????
!!!! I love it... I couldnt have done this a year ago !!!! I am so blessed , so happy... and when I get home I will be so TIRED
I will see ya'll sometime monday night or tuesday morning.... that is if I am still alive !!! Have a great weekend......

Oh you sure will have your hands full my dear. I emphathize w/you there.LOL....But, they are such a blessing aren't they. Thank God you have the energy now to handle them. Enjoy them and love on them as much as possible. They grow up quicker than our own children did. My oldest is 14 the middle is going on 13 and the youngest one is 2. What a span in ages I know and trust me when I had the 13 and 2 year old living w/me for about 9 months it was a huge responsibility because I was more like a parent now and not a grandparent. All in all it was a blessing to me and them and we did grow closer because of the experience. It's easier being grandma once again.
See ya when you get back on the boards.
Take care!
Your Gastric Buddy,