Sooooooooo, where do I start?
Hello friends ~
First, THANK YOU to all *****sponded to my earlier rant!!!
Secondly, IM SO VERY SORRY that I felt the need to get all pissy and dramatic on ya'll!! lol, now I feel like a chump.... but an adork'able chump, right?
I even KNOW better then to get "emotional" courtesy of the keyboard. If I'd taken my own advice and calmed my childish pissy butt down for two seconds, I woulda' realized how foolish their email was and dropped it at that.
Bottom-line, I should'a decompressed! I would have then avoided placing the burden (my need for validation) on ALL of you! Amazing how CLEAR it all appears when you walk away for a bit.
I TRULY was NOT looking for praise (when I sent the "Insensitive, moi?" post) - however, I think I'd reached a point where I needed OTHERS to validate the absolute ludicrousness of the email I'd rec'd. I lost track of how many times I shook my head in disbelief while reading it. A rotating fan had nothing on the breezes I was stirrin'!
A very good friend of mine (Carole in VaBeach) reminded me of another email I rec'd last year. When I initially rec'd it, I was LIVID, angry, hurt, upset, aggra'd, ... have I missed any descriptive's here, Carole? The email called me a FAKE, an imposter, bull**** artist, liar, blah blah blah - because it was OBVIOUS to them that my "before and after pictures" were NOT the same person. I'm very passionate about keeping things REAL and HONEST in my life, so to question my integrity cut deep. Not only were they absolutely sure that I was deceitful, but they could prove it and I was going to be exposed for the fraud that I was.
LOL - um, the "Top-secret 007" proof?
My eyes were WAY too big in the after photos AND the mole that was on my neck in my before pic's wasn't there at goal. [sigh] to this day, I wish Id never replied to their email. How fun would it have been if they'd EXPOSED me as threatened, just to find out Id had the mole surgically removed post-op?
MORAL of THAT STORY: With time, anger dissipates and now Im forever in the morons debt. Why? ...because every time I think of my "traveling mole" It makes me laugh. Whod'a thunk it?
Anyway, Ive rambled enough, so I'll leave by saying again, THANK YOU, thank you, thank you!
Hugs to all - Lei

Well, shoot Lei, I wish you had let that person try and prove you are a fraud....I woulda loved to have seen that. Hey, you could be a spy since you dont look at all like your before picture...well, if you needed to spy on someone you knew "before"....
Wonder if this would be a good story for the Insider....LMAO
Awesome job woman!
BTW, my husband is/was a Submariner.

WOW - Joyce, it's been FOREVER woman, probably every bit of a year, since Ive seen you around posting!!!
HOW THE HECK ARE YOU!?!?!? ...oh, and where the heck did you disappear to? LOL, not that it's any of my business, but it sure doesnt hurt to ask, right?
lol and trust me, between you and me and the rest of the internet world, I WISH I'd LET THEM PROVE it too! Grrrrrr, hind sight can be such a curse - er, well, that and MY TEMPER? I was so aggrad with the "youre a fake" email that I didn't even stop to think, I went into turbo mode and pounded out my reply in a matter of seconds.
LOL - ever hear the saying, "she went from sweet to ***** in 2.0 seconds?"
I set a new record that day.
Hugs - Lei

Im doin' good girlie, just lurking around in the shadows. I still come here quite often and read. Cant really give any advice so I just keep my fingers off the But I do go to your profile a lot; I love reading your posts. And the pictures are wonderful! The transformation is amazing, I know your are so proud about the great job you have done, and I am proud for you. I wish I could meet you in person, what a great time it would be to hang out with you for a day or two in real life.
You have a temper? NO! Say it aint so! LOL
Hugs back at ya!
to you. Girl - you rant and rave all you want. Those of us who know you support you. When we don't we let you know and that is when an adult discussion takes place.
You got praises from me because I value your input, because you're an inspiriation - you're a valuable asset on this wls journey for me. I know I don't post all the time, but that doesn't mean I don't read.
Take it easy sistah!

Not only gorgeous, but so very kind too! You've got it ALL going on, sweet lady!
Thank you so VERY much - I appreciate and respect HONESTY in people, and Im all for an adult discussion when/or if we disagree. LOL, granted, I have problems convincing people that I truly can ACT like an adult at times, but I do try.
Hugs - Lei
Morning Sunshine,
You know, only peeps who haven't met you in person would accuse you of being a fraud. One would only have to watch you talk with your hands to know its the same Lei LOL. Assuming that when you were overweight, that was the form of exercise that kept you going, right? The old arm-flailing conversation aerobics!

Bea J.
on 8/11/05 10:23 pm - Brownsboro, AL
on 8/11/05 10:23 pm - Brownsboro, AL
The burden of proof would have to be on their ignorant shoulders to prove sweetie. Many of us know where you have come from, for we have certainly been there as well and done just about all as well.
Like water on a duck's back; let it roll.
Just know that the ones that TRULY KNOW YOU, are the ones that matter. Not some simpleton that has to slither around.
Damn, this individual must be some relation to the nutcase estrange of my sweetie!!!!! But that is another chapter!!!
Have a good day and great weekend. I am sitting on pins and needles myself about the final interview I have on Tuesday for this new job. Gosh, I really want this thing bad for sure. Keep your fingers crossed and kind thoughts and prayers a comin', I NEED THEM.
Love to you always and everyone else too.
p.s. maybe I will get a NEW picture posted soon.
oh lie dont sweat it ok?
look at the rant i was on the other day about smoking..
and e mails i get ..pffff.i just laugh some of them off
the spelling police and people who say im going to die in a few years from smoking n tanning..
its good to rant once in a while you cant be marry poppins and mary tyl;er moore all the time..