Hello everyone,
I had a terrific wow moment over the weekend. My daughters boyfriend is 17 and my daughter is 13. Ok yes this is an issue for me, but I have evaluated the situation the boy is very mannered, very well raised, and he goes to church(even though his parents dont go so he is not forced to go), he had impressed me 100 times more than the 13 and 14 year olds I have been introduced to so far. He calls me Mrs. White or yes/no mam, he called me to ask me if it were alright if he bought my daughter a necklace, just a all around great guy, so if I am wrong on this YES I will BITE the bullet. ANd BITE IT HARD. But I am going with gut instinct here. Ok anyhow back to my wow moment, he is 17 and I overheard my daughter tell him on the phone that she was fat, she did not want to go to the pool because she was fat she went on to tell him that obesity ran in her family and she was predisposed. Well that kinda crunched my feelings, I felt like a dog, cause not only does she think she is fat when in reality she is not, she knows it is in her GENES because of ME....But her feller tells her nope she is not fat that she looks beautiful to him and that she is healthy and active and she should go to the pool, he also told her that he has seen her mom and he has seen her grandma (he has no idea I was ever obese) and that there is no fat in this family and that if she looks as good as me in 20 years she will look great too!!!
How many points do I give him for THAT wow moment??
on 8/9/05 10:22 am
on 8/9/05 10:22 am
I understand your feelings ... when my daughter was born the doctor told her she was going to be bottom heavy just like her mom! (Got to love those military docs.) I knew then that she'd have a struggle on her hand and she does. She's a size 16 at 27 years old. But, there's nothing I can do about it... and she would have still wanted to be born who she is despite those "genes."
Your daughter's boyfriend sounds like a gentleman and I hope he always treats her like a lady --- she is gorgeous and doesn't deserve anything less!
Thanks Dee Dee,
I am so pleased with her choice of a boyfriend, he called her yesterday and she was in the bathroom and he sit and talked to me for about 30 minutes even after she came out of the bathroom he kept talking to me telling me what his plans were for the week, ect. When he calls he always tells me who it is and asks if he can speak to her. She is very wise beyond her years
How are you doing it has been so long since I have seen you, hope all is well. I am at goal wishing for a reconstructive surgery approval. I am still trying to heal my back.