How do you track emails to profiles?
G'morning Eileen ~
I was thinking the same thing, been postiing for over three years now and NEVER ever knew or read that we could do "peer searches" with an email address. Woulda made life SO MUCH easier and faster, because the search engines take FOREVER when you're trying to narrow it down to a "name".
Not sure why they heck OH doesn't mention on the PEER page that you can search by "first or last name -- OR -- EMAIL ADDRESSES" ...should be simple enough and then the entire member list KNOWS about it, instead of only the few that might read the post.
ENJOY your dinner at Ruth's - holy crappola, who ever is sponsering that dinner tab is going to DROP A LOTTA MONEY TONIGHT! Paul keeps talking about us going, but I refuse to do it unless it's a very SPECIAL occasion - that's just too much money to spend on a meal that I'll be flushing down the drain the next morning.
LOL - hehehe, uh, was that too much info, girlfriend?
It's okay - you lov'z me just the same, besides Mike will prolly get a chuckle out of the accuaracy of it all.
- Lei