How do you track emails to profiles?
Hello friends ~
Okay - I have NO clue if anyone here can shed any light on this, you'd think after all these years with OH, I'd have a clue - but I don't.
When you get an email from someone and it's sent directly through the OH site, off of the profile, HOW do you then find the profile from the person writing to you?
Currently- I pull up Peer Search, type in the name, and hope like hell, they are the only "Mary Jones" that's gonna show up. Since we all know that's a slim chance - I then end up having to open up ALL the profiles of the peeps with similar names, in hopes that something I read on a profile might match something in the email they've sent. Talk about TIME consuming!!!
I don't know about YOU gals and guys, but I like to read up on a person before I write back, if possible. Today, I rec'd FOUR emails from people directly from my OH profile. 2 of these ladies had duplicate names, per se' and even after OPENING all the profiles with those names, I wasn't sure which one was them.
Yes, I realize I can ask 'em in an email, but surely there is another way to handle this? AM I MISSING the obvious?!?!?! Is there a way to CLICK on the email and it take you back to the original senders PROFILE?
If not, WHY NOT??????
If OH can tell me "who the sender" is, based on the information that OH already has on file with them, how hard can it be to also include a web address or link for that persons PROFILE?!?!?
I dunno - for some reason, it got on my nerves today - been doing the "ol' hunt and peck" search feature for 3 years and never thought much of it, but it sure seems like an easy enough fix for OH to include a profile link.
LOL, or maybe they already DO and ya'll could gently push me in the right direction?
-- Lei

Hello again -
Well, it looks like I have MY answer (also posted this to the main board) ...but did ANY of you know that we can ALSO do "searches" on EMAIL addresses?!?!?!
I had absolutely NO clue that this was even an option. Same place that you do the PEER SEARCH for a first or last name, you can plug in an EMAIL address instead and it'll bring up that persons profile.
Thought I'd share that with ya'll in case there are others that never knew.
LOL - uh, be HONEST, Im NOT the only one that didn't know this, right?
Link to the main board post:

LMAO - Im sooooooooooooooooooo freakn BLONDE, sometimes!!!!!!
Uh - well, actually ALL the time, since I was born blonde - but that's not the point here.
Anyway - Ive been playing "hit and miss" on the boards lately, trying to resolve a virus/trojan problem, so Ive only been able to QUICK scan the forums that I saved to favorites. LOL, this is where the "blonde" part comes in. I saw your name "NIL etc" several times, but kept "reading" it as "NEIL" with a last name I could NOT pronoucnce. Since I didn't know a Neil and was short on time, I'd skip over it and head to one that I recognised or thought I could help - based on the 'reference' column.
Long story OVER? I kinda overlooked ya' and it's YOUR fault!
Stop changing your name woman, I can't keep track of my friends if they keep hiding from me (yes, even if you already clued me into your new name a couple of months ago - my memory sucks) -- besides, you are one person I hope I NEVER EVER LOSE touch with!!
As far as Anthony goes? LOL, I think I scare the boy, er I mean MAN! This is the second time he's been in/or near VaBeach and both times he avoided a "get together" like the plague. Who knows, maybe ALL The LAYERS that comes with my new melted butt (that you keep making him grab) scared him away?
Surely it wasnt the "platex glove, bend over and cough" exam I gave him in Richmond!
Love you too sweety - DON'T DISAPPEAR on us (me) again, okay?

on 8/8/05 9:49 pm - Master of my Own Life
on 8/8/05 9:49 pm - Master of my Own Life
LOL -- I've only changed my name ONCE in 2.5 years!! You act as if I change it on a weekly basis!
As for Anthony -- I doubt you scare him - I just don't think he'd be able to keep up with you if you ran!
He's still having major problems with his back. I still get IMs from him nearly every morning -- usually quick hellos and updates - but at least I still hear from him (he's such a sweetheart -- I love that boy!)
Been busy as hell over here trying to get everything packed to move. Still not sure which direction I'll be headed -- but really hoping to be headed West to Colorado (please keep your fingers crossed for me on landing a job with the Colorado courts -- I've been watching their job listings for 10 months and this is the first decent paying job posted that I have all of the qualifications for). I've been talking with Susan Maddy and I don't know who's more excited about that possibility - me or her!
The popcorn munching love life is at a stand still. I've sworn off men (other than Helmut who calls every day when he's in the states and every 2-3 days when he's at home in Germany). He'll be in Corning, NY for 2 years and keeps trying to talk me into moving there -- but I'm not interested in the least in New York.
Checked out your profile last night and the new pics -- damn woman, you look awesome! And the new fat cat is a cutie too! You make me want to journal -- but I've gotten so out of that habit I should be spanked!
Love you much -- and I'm going no where!

Hey g/f!
Wow, that is great to know that!! You really CAN learn something new every day!!
See ya Wed!
p.s. I'm supposed to go to a drug-rep sponsored dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse tomorrow night ~ my mouth is watering already just thinking about it!!
We will have to try it for lunch sometime!