Advice from 4 Year + Posties?
4 plus year olds?
A question from a 2 year old!
What's the biggest thing that is different
Going into year 4,
Than coming out of year two?
I've been at or below goal now for over 5 months.
I do have a Panniculectomy planned for Christmas,
But that's another set of questions.
I'm just wanting your "shoot-from-the-hip"
Did you need to--
Lighten Up?
Knuckle Down?
Get Back to Basics?
Never Forget....
Always Remember....
If you could time travel back
And tell your "former-self" something
That you now know would have made
Your Journey easier,
What piece of advice would You pass on to You?
(Yes, LOTS of Morphine over the last few years!)
Thanks for your input!
Best Wishes-
Hey Dx,
I'll be four in 5 days, so I guess that's close enough
What I've discovered over the past year or two is that it's far easier to maintain good habits than to have to regain them. I would go back and yell into my ear "DON'T QUIT THE GYM, you're NOT going to ever use that treadmill at home!" and "DON'T EAT THOSE WHITE CARBS, you'll end up addicted again!" and "STOP THE SCALE AT 2 POUNDS, cause if you're not careful you'll have 10 to lose!".
If I had known that, I wouldn't be out of shape, craving carbs, and up 10 pounds!! I did join the gym last month though. A year ago I could do 30 minutes on the elliptical. Now I can do about 3.
So.... my advice is.... maintain your good habits cause you'll make it much easier on yourself

I haven't reached the 4 year mark yet - will do so November 29. But I can tell you now that the biggest change is that I am hungrier and that I found myself grazing a lot. There were a number of reasons for it and I've had to buckle down and get serious or I would find myself out of control very quickly. The good news is that I need to lose 15 pounds, not 150.
I definitely think that we must always remember: Protein first, Vitamins and Calcium are essential - and that is forever. Avoid the foods that trigger overeating.
Also, remember that with time your body starts absorbing most of the calories it takes in (assuming you had RNY) - so you have to be careful. I've seen your regime and you are in good shape.
The advice I would give myself if I could go back is to not try the sugar free candy and never put a bite of "crap" in my mouth. As long as I stayed away from that stuff, I did great. Eating just a little is fine as long as it stays just a little but unfortunately, for some of us, it gradually becomes more and more. And that leads to adopting old eating habits - and that is very dangerous.
This was a very interesting question.
Hey Dx,
I'll be 4 this month. I agree with the other posters. I saw you made a comment down on the thread something like.. now that you're 2, you're done. Believe me, you're never done. This is a forever committment. Don't get complacent.. its easy to do, thinking you've finished. I think I got into that mentality, and now I'm struggling daily.
Keep with the good habits you've learned, and continue to strive to make good choices. Its all about choices.
Good luck on the next phase of your journey!
I will be 5 years toward the end of this month. What I have found to be true is that the demons are a lot stronger. I have to work harder. I have to do more for me. From year 4 to year 5 is when I regained 25 pounds. In my mind I said in the beginning of the regain, Oh heck, I can lose that easy, after all I did lose 125 head plays more cunning and baffling.....
I never was one that reached goal, I was older when I had my surgery and a slow loser. I knew nothing and my surgeon didn't have answers....wonder why? I was his number 2 patient...missed # 1 by about 45 mins.....
I've had to struggle....have been alone in this journey, don't get me wrong, my husband is one of my biggest supports, he helps with the support groups also....but....when your the one that is farthest out who do you ask questions of? The doctors have patients calling me....
I did extensive research and studies on our nutrition needs....I try to help others.....but always get slammed by the less than 6 month out person that I know nothing of what I say....
My question to you is: how far out must we be before what we say has a credibility?
I don't think we have credibility til at least a year out and maybe two. Early post-ops just don't want to think that it won't always be that easy to lose weight and to understand that we aren't and never will be "normal". We will always have to be diligent - and to work to maintain our good health and weight loss. Newbies don't want to admit that - they are still in the euphoric period where it seems like some kind of magical journey that will go on forever with no effort. NOT!!!!!! The journey can be magical but it will come to a screeching halt if we aren't very careful.
(deactivated member)
on 8/4/05 9:12 am
on 8/4/05 9:12 am
Well I am heading into year 7 come I guees I am one of those ancient postops
Honestly, by the time I reached year 4..I KNEW what I needed to do to remain a success story..did I always follow the rules? Absolutely not..that is just part of being human.
Being able to pick yourself up and once again follow the rules is really how to be successful, we cant be expected to always be perfect.
At this point in time, it is really easy to become complacent, something I have been guilty of many times, but I always get ahold of myself and realize that I need to buckle down and gain control.
I dont get way out of control, but the Hershey Kisses on the counter call to me, as do the Nilla Wafers, or the damn bag odf chips..damn the chips I tell you! lol
I've learned to NOT graze, under any cir****tances..I stay on a regimented schedule for eating most of the time.
I eat my snacking until evening since I KNOW that is my time to struggle with grazing. During the day i'm so busy that I dont think about eating..but the minute I plop my arse on the couch to watch tv..I get the urge to that is when I allow my snack and it has to be an hour before bed..if it's closer than an hour..I dont snack.
If I could go back, I would definitely tell myself to never think i'd be perfect in this process. I see many people beat themselves up for being HUMAN..I did the same thing, but now, I know that there will be those days..but whether or not those days are 1 or entirely up to me..we need to realize that only WE can determine the outcome of this surgery. We make it or break it..and we're only defeating ourselves by beating ourselves up.
Make sure you remain in a support enviornment too, many people drift away from support groups and they struggle..having a good support group is sooo important in our recovery..thats what I consider recovery..I dont think i'll ever be at goal.because that goal changes from day to day..even at this I just dont think about it, all I do is make as good a choice as I can each time I wake up in the morning.
It truly is an ongoing learning experience, and I wish more people would respect the fact that every single persons journey is different, and appreciate each other for their differences in personality and journeys and not criticize them for it.