One of the things that help me keep moving forward with my wls journey are reflections of the way I was unfairly treated when I was obese. My children's father cheated on me and when I tried to work out my marriage with him I asked him why he had cheated on me. His answer, " I don't like the fat", those words cut through me like a knife! I know he is the ignorant one, but it still hurt and I will never forget those words!
I think one of the most hurtful things someone ever said to me, was from an ex-boy friend while we were dating. A group of us went on a ski trip and I reserved a friends mountain cabin. After we arrived my boyfriend informed me "I'm up here with you, but I'M NOT WITH YOU!", preceeded to sleep on the couch, and told my sister's boyfriend, "why would I want to waste my time with THAT this weekend" Needless to say, I threw him out and have no idea how he got home. That has stuck with me all these years. More recently though it was the way that when you're fat, how people sometimes treat you as if you're not there--like you're not a person.
My ex husband used to talk about how "fat and funky" I was, but then cheated on me with a woman that was at least twice as big as I was at my heaviest! Right after I had our daughter, my C Section incision burst open. We didn't have a car so I had to call an ambulance. I remember him laughing at me because the EMT's had a hard time lifting the stretcher to put me in the ambulance. He would not even hold noodle, I had to hold her in my arms with blood and fluid pouring out of my incision. It was unreal.
So why does he always want to call me now that he has seen me since my weight loss? Needless to say I have nothing to say to him.
You go Misha- I love hearing this type stories where the ex's were cruel and now drool ... I got a
streak in me dont I? I live with my ex ... but he was never that way... or I wouldn't have went back to em. we had other issues... he still doesn't say much about the "different" me now... but he is less self centered.

OOOOO tell us more.. we want revenge.. is he trying to "hit" on you now? Does he drool.. Gawd I bet he does... bet he regrets alot that he had and now lost! You go girl...
Do you wonder now ... if you date others... if they would have accepted you as you were before? Im such a curious person.. ignore my questions if they make you uncomfortable. I probably should have been a reporter... oh wait i was for my tiny town back years ago.. ya know .. (Mr and Mrs. So in So went to town to shop for groceries. Ms Yada had company this past weekend, her daughter from Houston) that kinda reporter for a local little paper LOL LOL ---> Eye just couldn't spell that whale sew never toke it up four the big thymes*lol*

OOOO i was so directed to reading ya'lls responses I forgot my own. MMM truth ... I dont know if I have had anyone directly say hurtful things while I was fat... mostly it was the inner voice in my head that told me things like.. I wasn't worthy to wear nice clothes ... I was too fat to be eating around others... That locals were thinking GAWD she's just getting fatter and fatter... Nope no one said anything to me ..but that inner voice was very cruel. I still have the inner voice say... No one wants to hear my opinions...but the fat whispers in my head have stopped... :grin:
Ya'll r just jealous cause the voices are talking to me! j/K

I was crossing a parking lot once holding the hand of my 3 year old son and a guy in a car drove by and barked at me. Try explaining that to your child. To top it off, this guy was an unshaven, dirty looking, greasy tank shirt wearing, OBESE man in an old rusty beat up car. Hmmmmm... have you LOOKED in the mirror lately buddy?