What's in your "Routine?"
on 8/4/05 12:15 am
on 8/4/05 12:15 am
TJ and I will look forward to having lunch with you and your bride when y'all can squeeze in some time. I know how crazy the new school year can be... I need to get started back with my classes too. I'm going to take advantage of the Ole Miss classes at the DeSoto Center. TJ teaches a couple continuing ed classes for Ole Miss at the DeSoto Center as well.
Dang Dx... not sure if you get to vote on longest ramble poster but you sure got my vote for most organized..
ok so where is the cheetos, cheeznips, and those important protein filled m & m's with peanuts come in? *peeks over his desk* hmmm OOOOO thats for the students who comes to visit hmmm *winks* ----> ok so im talking about my desk - not yours!!!! Just one question... "do you do windows" if so, I wanna hire you! wahoooo
I dont have a routine. If I been bad the day before I get spanked and cut down the next day.. If i have been bad two days .. the punishment is longer till the scales say I have regreted my misbehavior.
I do have one question for you/or others... I have to take 3 vitamins a day - do you know if - when I skip the one vitamin I always tend to skip (noon time) is it ok if I double up in PM or is that a waste down the ole toilet? :wink:

Hey Deb
No I'm a Mac user.
(not really,
just going for the lamest attempt at humor today)
I'm not actually Organized,
I just have to keep life on a tight schedule
Because my occupation is an excursion into Chaos!
Theater Design is all about instant changes,
Bizarre collaborations, Going with the flow
And changing it all at a moments notice.
More like Surfing or White Water Rafting
Than the normal "plan, execution, result, assessment"
Formula in most jobs.
For a living-
I make up the plans for imaginary places,
(And even teach others to)
Where people will walk around in,
While pretending to be other people,
While other people shine colored light on them,
And yet other people will pay money to sit
In the dark and watch it all.
Wacky, Silly profession that requires me
To leave my brain on "Random Access"
At all times.
I balance that by having a good deal of "ritual"
In my Day to Day Life.
The Vitamin Question?
My Doc only requires the 2,
But has me take a B-1 in the evening
At a separate time to get max absorption.
So that could be the same thing.
I do know that back when I was first starting to "evolve"
My routine, my nutritionist started giving me
Absorption tips like-
Most RNY'ers can only absorb around 20 to 24 gms of protein
At a time, so any above that at the same time is wasted.
This differs from the Approx. 30gms number that is
So often used. 30gms is for a person who has not had the RNY.
She also said that this figure can be "skewed"
By the acid level in the foods eaten with the protein.
For example, - Eat 20gms of protein in a chicken salad
And even chewing it to Death, the average RNY'er
Will only absorb about 18 of those grams of Protein.
Unless you put a squirt of Lemon Juice in the chicken salad,
Then, the added acidity will help break down the Proteins
So that nearly all of it is absorbed.
That's up there with the-
Iron and Calcium compete for the same receptor sites
In the intestine, so to get maximum benefit you should take
Them at separate times.
My Nutritionist gave me a bunch of "Chemist Tips"
But having to think about Bio-Chemistry at every meal
Just had to go!
That's what led me to just set up a system of "Auto-Pilot."
Sort of a "Catholic Approach" to eating.
Just follow the formula even if the Mass is in Latin
And you'll be Fine!
I'd say keep trying to spread out those Vitamins
So as not to waste them down the plumbing.
Sorry to ramble on even more,
There is some Caffeine even in my De-Caf
And I went for a third cup this morning.
Best Wishes-

I try to stay consistent..lol
Breakfast is usually salad with either chicken or pork chop that I made the night before in small slices on top.
I take my centrum, calcium, wellbutrin (gotta take that 3 times a day)
and premarin (for the menopausal among us...lol)
Once I get to work I make a pot of decaf and sip until lunch time. If I get snacky between there, the potential is there for disaster. So far, I have been eating a spoonful of peanut butter, but gotta come up with a new plan for a snack right there.
For lunch I have a lean cuisine, or if I have made something, it is usually pork tenderloin and green beans, or salad. And dinner is the same. Then in the evening I split a bag of popcorn with noodle (my daughter). I used to beat myself up over the popcorn, but have decided to stop doing that.
I love exercising, and I try to spend at least an hour on the elliptical trainer several times a week. My doctor and I have been at war about this, he says I my routine is approaching mania. I say it is the reason my body is getting smaller and smaller even though I havent lost any weight in a year! Sooooo, the war will continue! LOL
Hey Misha,
I've missed you for a while.
Good to see your sweet face again!
I'm into the Popcorn too.
Now and then.
I'll take in some corn in just about
Every way it comes-
Popped, Meal, Hominy, etc....
I just don't have too much.
I'm holding at 179 now for the last 3 weeks
And under 182 for the last 4 1/2 months,
So I'm not changing a thing!
My "maintenance" plan
Looks like the same as my loss plan.
Oh well, I'm lovin' my Medium Shirts!
Best Wishes-