What's in your "Routine?"
Hey Folks
I saw Patty Butler's ,
"What's for Breakfast" Post once I found this
Forum and started going back to catch up on everyone....
(Patty, So glad to see you out here again!
I used to watch for your "soap boxes" regularly.
Now that I'm over 2 years out
I've fallen into a habitual routine
That my co-workers think of as 'boring.')
Obviously every day is different for us
But when figuring -
My food intake,
My supplements &
My exercise,
Here's "my typical routine."
It has become habit now and I hardly
Ever give it any thought, until I see it in a
"What did Ya'll Eat Today?" type of post.
(Thanks Miss Dolly!)
I start every morning by eating something,
Even if I'm not at all hungry. -(around 7:00 to 7:30)
Usually -
A Carb Control Yogurt, with about 1/4th of a cup of
Total Protein Cereal or Post CarbWell.
Usually I also add a spoon full of Flaxseed meal.
Some days I'll stir in ¼ to ½ of a scoop
Of Unjury or Gen-Soy Protein powder.
If I've got the Time, a scrambled egg with
A little bite of fruit.
Strawberries or Blueberries most often.
Usually before breakfast I have a mug or 2 of
Sumatran De-Caf with my Iron supplement opened into it.
The mild acid in the De-Caf Coffee
Helps with the Iron absorption.
Some days I'll add a big splash of Low-Carb Slimfast
Chocolate Royale in my coffee as well.
I take 2 chewable Vitamins before or after breakfast.
I use "Zippy Zoo Complete with Iron" Vitamins.
I started on chewable Flintstones,
But moved to this Generic "knock off"
Because it has better flavor,
Same RDA's and is about half the price.
I also, in this morning slot,
Take a Folic Acid Supplement - 400mcg.
About twice a week, I also take a Cod liver oil capsule.
Between Breakfast and my mid-morning snack,
I get in approx 50 floz of water.
Sometimes this is Propel or Crystal-Lite,
And about 3 or 4 times a week
(usually on my "Exercise-Walking days")
I'll add a little Isopure Clear (Melon) to my Crystal-Lite.
Just another way to "sneak in" more protein.
Around 10:00 (give or take 30 minutes)
I have a mid-morning snack.
It can be as big as a chicken breast,
Or as small as a handful of nuts.
****ep some raw almonds in my desk drawer)
If I got extra Protein in my breakfast,
I'll sometimes just have an apple for this snack.
Same Liquid intake as after Breakfast
At 1:00 (give or take 30 minutes)
I have lunch-
Usually I try to get in protein in this meal.
Sashimi maybe 3 days a week, because I have a little
Sushi Bar in the Universities Food court,
About 20 yards from my office.
If I get a chance to run home for lunch-
About ¾ a cup of whatever leftovers
Are there from last night,
Typically, meat, some veggies,
Rarely if ever starch of any kind.
Same Liquid intake as after Breakfast
Around 4:00 (give or take 30 minutes)
I have an Afternoon snack.
If I've had mostly meat up to this point in the day,
I'll have veggies or beans or some such
That has more Fiber.
If I've been low on meat intake at this point,
I'll have fish, chicken, or shrimp.
Still NO Starch! (notice a pattern?)
Same Liquid intake as after Breakfast
It's in this "time slot," that I fit in my exercise.
Usually around 5:00- "Quitin' Time."
Usually Mon, Wed, Fri., I'll go for a Fast -3 mile walk.
No dawdling! Just get my 3 miles ASAP,
And get my butt on home.
I have a park that has measured paths so I can tell
Exactly how far I've gone.
If I haven't gotten my heart rate up a touch
Or started to perspire a little,
I'll go an extra mile.
Because I teach Grad Students at a University
My Life runs on a MWF or Tue- Thurs Schedule.
My T-Th mornings are free, so on these days
I exercise with small dumbbells after breakfast
And do "Ball Squats." Odd exercise that helps legs
And lower back muscles.
I'll also workout this way on Saturday morning,
And like T-Th, I'll hit the shower afterwards.
Diner is normally 8:00 (once again, give or take 30 minutes)
While getting ready for diner,
(which I usually cook with Mrs. Dx)
We love to cook, and I can usually find a way
To "sneak" some powdered Protein or
Textured Vegetable Protein into nearly any dish.
I take a Calcium Citrate supplement-400mg
And a B-1 - 100mg
Diner is normally lean meat and 2 veggies in a
Combination dish or separates.
My Veggie list is-
Carrots, Beans of Every kind, Tomatoes,
All kinds of Squash, A lot of Onions,
Cabbage (gas alert but love it), Mushrooms,
Cucumbers, More Tomatoes, Green Peas,
Red/Green/Yellow Peppers.
I'll have a touch of lettuce but I rarely eat
The really "green stuff" like
Broccoli or Spinach.
Not because I wouldn't like to,
It just that I'm on Coumadin
And it messes up my Pro-time/INR numbers.
Can't let my blood get thick on Vitamin K,
Or my Heart Valve will start sticking!
Sometimes at this meal
I'll have a bite or two of a starch like-
Corn or some cornmeal tortilla, or cornbread.
Love the Corn! And some times Butternut Squash
Or even a bit of Sweet Potato. (My version of Sweets)
That's as close as I come to a full-blown starch.
I do eat a lot of Salsa!
On eggs, meat, beans, anything! (Texas Boy)
I also don't shy away from Frying foods.
Sauté really, but I only use Olive Oil or Canola.
I don't count Calories and haven't from day one.
I used to count Carbs religiously, but now
I can pretty much "eyeball it" because I don't choose
High Carb foods. When I do count up,
Just to see how I'm doing,
I tend to keep my Carbs below 40gms a day.
I used to Stress out about keeping them below 20!
I still get in around 90 gms of Protein per day though
And will adjust if I'm falling below that.
I will occasionally have "Sweets"
But only fake Splenda stuff.
NO Sugar.
I still dump from a bite of Ketchup or Bar-B-Que Sauce
Unless it's the Carb-Control Type.
From Diner till I hit the bed,
I'll drink water or Crystal-lite.
If I look back over my day and think I've
Been a little slack with my protein intake,
I'll have some Zero Carb Isopure in my Crystal-lite Peach Tea,
Or a mug or 2 of De-Caf
With some Low-Carb Slim-Fast added to it.
The specific Items that I eat
Are varied from day to day,
Week to week.
I take a self injected B-12 Shot once a month (the 19th)
And so far My Lab-work-ups
And weight-loss has all been Great!
I think I became SO VERY Compliant
And "good" about my food choices
Because early on, this "Easy Way Out,"
Nearly Killed my Big Butt!
My first 6 months were all about
Getting my health back
To at least what it was prior to surgery.
After that, Old Habits Die Hard.
It took a lot to get me to the Healthy Guy I am today,
And I'm not about to let go of that for a bag of chips.
I'm not really a "food Nazi" about it,
I just shop for certain things on my list
And eat from those items.
It's really not as if I "think about"
What I'm eating or doing anymore,
I just follow my routine.
We Are what we repeatedly Do.
Excellence, then, is not an Act, but a Habit.
--------------------------------- - Aristotle
That Old Greek was Pretty Smart.
I came from 385lbs to 179lbs and have been
Maintaining without a "bounce" for the last 5 or so months.
Actually I was holding at 182
And thought that was the "End all Be all"
Until I lost on down some more over the last month.
So, now that I've come to the end of this Novel!!!
What's in your routine?
Are there some tricks I'm missing?
Is anyone still reading this babble???
Just trying to set the record for longest ramble on the Grads Board!
And I'm So glad to see all of you out here again!
Best Wishes-

Wow Dx, you have quite a routine. I'm not quite that organized. Weekdays are pretty much the same everyday.
I get up at 5 AM, have decaf (now with protein added), get ready for work. I have my multi-vitamins and calcium while drinking my decaf.
I ususally have a protein drink about 11 AM unless I'm really busy and forget about it. Lunch is normally at 1 - however, I eat either before that or after at my desk so I can spend my lunch hour walking. Lunch is ALWAYS salad, fat free salad dressing and chicken - I am boring.
If I don't have my protein drink in the morning before lunch, I'll have it right before leaving work for home.
Dinner is almost always meat or seafood and salad. I'm lazy - I rarely cook other veggies except in the winter. I couldn't eat without the George Foreman and salad.
Then, I might have some fruit in the evening but usually not. I have decaf again in the evening while I'm on the computer. I drink water, Crystal Light or some other decaf liquid throughout the day. Getting in adequate fluids has NEVER been a problem for me.
Weekends are tougher because I have no set time routine. I really have to watch myself to keep from getting too hungry before having something - then I tend to overeat or eat something I shouldn't. I do keep a rough count of calories now - but only because I gained some and because of the inactivity, I need to remind myself what will happen if I eat the wrong things.
Like you, I try to avoid starches. They are my downfall. Right now, I don't even allow myself sweet potatos - will at some point. I do have an occasional piece of toast but not often - maybe once every two or three months. As long as I avoid starchy carbs, I find that I don't have the urge to graze.
Keep up the good work - sounds as if you are very disciplined - and that, I believe, is one of the keys to long-term success.
Breakfast: if I am not hungry then I do not eat. I take two prenatal vitamins, 1 Citrical, 2 Biotin (10,000mcg) and 1 Folic Acid. If hungry, then I will eat a boiled egg.
Mid morning, I walk 2 miles with Walk Away the Pounds or do some form of exercise. I normally have a protein shake around this time.
I try to get in 32-50 oz of fluid by lunch time.
Lunch: Normally a piece of meat and fruit or cooked veggie.
Afternoon snack: Depending on my mood, I will have a snack or just drink 32 oz of decaf tea or sf koolaid. I have gotten hooked on Minutemaid Light in the can... Airpopped popcorn is my snack some days or a piece of fresh fruit. If I am being a bad girl, then I will eat sugar free pound cake or cookies that I have baked.
Dinner is always grilled/ broiled/ braised meat and 1/4 cup of a coked veggie. Very rarely, I will make lasagna or spaghetti.
Late Snack: either a protein smoothie or homemade vanilla egg custard
Now that its hot, I wait till 7-8pm to take a 4 mile walk ..

Actually, I have the best bariatric cookbook on the market out !! It is entitled Cooking With Soul. Check out my website: bariatric101.com.
You can also get the book at the special orders counter at Borders.
The recipe for the egg custard and lots of other great things are in the book....
Here is a little taste:
2 cups of low-fat Evaporated Milk or 2% milk
3 eggs (beaten)
1/2 cup Splenda Blend
Dash of salt
Beat ingredients with a wire whisk and pour into ramekins / custard cups.
Place custard cups in a metal roasting or baking pan and fill the pan 1/2 way with water.
Sprinkle nutmeg on top of each ramekin.
Bake in the oven on 350 for 45 min.

on 8/3/05 10:14 pm
on 8/3/05 10:14 pm
My only sure routine is to get in the Jacuzzi tub every morning with a 30 ounce bottle of water. It ensures I get a good head start on my liquids for the day and the hot bath helps me want to drink. The only problem is when we go to the weekend cottage in Kentucky... I only have a shower there and it just royally messes up my routine!