What a great day!
Today in Boston I met with Joann and Rita. We had so much fun! What a blast. We had our pictures taken with Red Auerbach at Fanueil Hall, shopped for dresses at Filenes. Joann looked like a princess in her gown. They were a great help. We then tried to go to a concert and saw part of it before I had to leave to go to the restroom. The we walked around the north end and learned the great places to eat. Got a little tour--got to see Paul Revere's house. We ended the night with a canoli--they made me do it. We did a lot of walking so they said it was alright.
Oh yes--they also said the canoli was protein. Joann took lots of pics. She says she's gonna post them to a website. Hopefully we will have some for people to see. Thanks ladies--it was lots of fun!

Sounds like a fabulous day. I can't wait for Labor Day weekend when I go see Val - it will be so exciting to finally meet her in person; I feel like I have known her for my entire life.
I'm holding my breath about the trip - am flying stand-by so I can fly free. I am so afraid of getting bumped.
I think the greatest benefit of WLS, other than our health, is the friendships that we have formed. I have made so many wonderful friends - online and in person. The benefits just keep piling up and they are so woderful.
Can't wait to see your pics.
I am in total agreement with you! The friends I have made on this journey are the best! Its funny being obese (super that is) kept me away from people! I never knew that until this journey. Its a great change!
You have a nice day! Be good to yourself! Remember when you meet Val we want to see pics too!
hey linda
you missed the best part of it after we left you we went on the t..waiting for the train to get home there was a luluybird who was confronting everybody..me n rita are siting on the bench thank god he didnt bother us but man he was troubled..i said to rita this guys looking for a fight ..great entertainment on t last night but thats the joy of ridiing the subeway sometimes..lol
i had a blast with you guys and hope to do it again when you come to boston. again..
right now im on 2 speeds with the coffee cup attached to my hand saying i dont want to go to work..only 2 days left
have a great day and enjoy the shooping again..
you are welcome!

Yes Lynda it was a wonderful day from start to finish.
Princess JoAnn in her white gown, Lynda bought three dresses to wear to the same wedding(how is she going to acomplish that) they all looked so wonderful on her how could she resist!!!
Next time we'll have to be a little more organized and get a few more "friends" to join us
It was a very special day.
Even our crazy train ride home. The sights one does see.