school starts Tuesday, back to a schedule
having two teenagers home all summer has been really hard on me, I love them dearly but they like all teenagers like to eat. while we now have much better food choices in the house, they still like to eat all the time and no matter how much I give them "THE LOOK" they continue to eat whenever they feel like it.
so I am happy that school starts on Tuesday, daughter will be a junior and my son is starting college. so my days will be mine again and I can get back on MY schedule.
I may not get back on the schedule the first day but I will work on it, like last year as soon as the bus picks up my daughter I will set out for my morning walk, i was up to 3 miles last school year and I dont expect to walk the entire 3 miles the first day either.
I gained a few pounds this week...OMG... but of course when its hot outside and you just stay inside and sit around, this will happen. so I am looking forward to the weather getting cooler next month and the days belonging to me again.
277/150 ish
Hey Donna... the shoe is on the other foot here... I work for the school and now all your troubles will be behind me LOL aka bus driver and ISS monitor.. j/k
I can't wait really .. I love those kids and have the best group that ride my school bus... but i sure did enjoy my summer with kids *LOL* All mine are grown up here at home

Hello ... I know what you mean.. I have 2 boys in High School and they eat me out of house and home to....I am like Deb i will also have to go back to work as I drive a School Bus also... So Monday is the big day for us to start back.....I seem to do much better with my walking and staying on a schedule when i am at work...So i guess it is for the best... Brenda...