Baby Food -Protein & Vitamin Water - from a PreOp

Hi there,
Awww to have that excited feeling of surgery coming. My answers to some of your questions - this is just what I did, everyone has a different experience after surgery, so there may be some people that have different advise.
#1 - I never did baby food after surgery (yuck, have you tasted that stuff?). I didn't do much of anything except jello and SF popcicles. My doctor said to worry more about getting liquids in than protein at that point. One thing that I did have (I was about 1 1/2 weeks out) was cream of wheat. I made it very thin with a little butter and splenda and it was heaven (the whole two teaspoons I could eat).
#2 - The deal with protein, well, this is two fold, the first is that protein is so dense that it stays in your pouchie for a long time, this is not something that will seem real important until you are further along. Second, my doctor said that protein is something that you cannot get through suppliments. Just about everything that you get from fruits and vegtables you can get through various suppliments. I tried a few of the protein drinks, and they just never worked very well for me. I get all my protein from food. Hair loss - it will happen (I chuckle as I say this), it happens to just about everyone. I used to have the thickest hair, now it is not so thick - but then I also used to have the thickest figure, now it is not so thick - and my hair is growing back now.
#3 - I tried some of those "fancy" waters and I didn't like the way they tasted in my mouth after swallowing. It was like I was more thirsty than when I started drinking them. I just stick with regular bottled water (it does have to be dasani, crystal geyser or aquafina though).
One other thing, you have a few days until surgery and if you are not trying to walk now, start. When I had my 18 month checkup last friday my surgeon and I talked about that. He told me that I bounced back better than most and we both contribute that to the fact that I walked and walked prior to my surgery. In fact I was up and about around 1.5 hours after surgery.
The best advice I can give you is to talk with your doctor, ask him/her everything, even if you think it sounds like a dumb question. I absolutely love my surgeon and I really look forward to my follow up appointments with him. I always have a bunch of questions for him, even now.
Best of luck to you
Hi Susan- thanks- your information is valuable. I know every surgeon is different. From what I gather, we can do the mushy foods once we are released and pass the leak test. I just think your body needs time to heal.
I bought baby food fruits- all natural no sugar. I have been tasting them now- they taste great & I imagine add a little cream of wheat and its fine. LOL . I love my Vitamin water - I drink it 3x day = 60oz
if I throw in some non flava protein that might work- but as you say- experiement now.
As far as walking is concerned- I have arthritis in one knee. One day I walked the whole mall 2x front to back- next day my joints ached, but I do challenge and push myself. I also have a "gazelle" glider which puts no stress on your knees, and I like that. Eventually I want to get a treadclimber-
I get tired of a treadmill and miss my stairclimbing (knee) I LOVED my stairclimber & could do it for 45 mins at a shot! LOL so you see how a knee injury really hurts! LOL I am positive once I begin losing weight and return to my workouts-my knees will be relieved as well -
Thank you so much! Will keep you posted of my progress!
I'd skip the baby-food all together,
But that's just me.
Go with whatever your specific Doctor's Protocol is
And pay particular attention to
Only adding one new food at a time.
That way if something
Does cause you problems
It's an easy DX (Diagnosis) to find the culprit.
If you have some difficulty early on
Getting in your Protein, which is very common
Since it's hard to consume enough through your foods-
I had great success with-
Zero Carb Isopure.
Comes in 20 oz Glass bottles,
Sometimes called or referenced as Glass Zero Carb Isopure,
Or even Isopure Crystal on some websites.
Calories - 190, Carbohydrate - 0 g, Protein - 40 g
It comes in a number of flavors-
Passion Fruit, Apple Melon, Grape, Blue Raspberry,
Fruit Punch, Orange, Pineapple Orange Banana,
And Mango Peach.
On the Down Side-
All of them have an after taste that is a little like
Sucking on Old Pennies.
My first thought when tasting it for the first time-
"Who peed in this?!?"
The Upside?
Cut it half and half with some Crystal-Lite
And the flavor is hidden completely.
Don't even try to get it all down at once either,
Just have a little, 8 to 10 times a day.
You get in more "water" this way and
Since your system only processes about 30 gms of
Protein at once anyway,
Slowly "trickling" it into your system insures you
Get the maximum benefit from the protein.
If you've got a GNC store nearby,
They have it. I'd recommend trying the flavors before you
"Stock-Up" on anything.
It is cheaper to shop around on the net
And order a case, but only after you know that you will use it.
I found the Orange, mixed with Crystal-Lite Lemonade
Was great and so was the Mango Peach
Mixed with Crystal-Lite's Peach Tea.
I have had the Vitamin Water and it was OK
I still drink the Aqua-Cal (calcium water)
But it, like a lot of the flavored waters
Tastes too sweet to me
But I cut it with plain water and it tastes great
And trickles in that Calcium.
Have the Greatest Ever on the 15th!!
Best Wishes-

1-skip the babyfood. You are right--not very much good nutrition in there. Does your doc have a plan? All the doc's plans seem to vary greatly. I was on puree and soft protein for a week and then could move to other light proteins. I remember when cottage cheese felt like gourmet food.
2--I don't how anyone can get in their required amount of protein early out only through food. At the very least you should probably supplement with protein in the beginning. I still do, but that is my choice. Get a bunch of samples from or Figure out what you like. What you like before surgery may be very different shortly after surgery. After stomach surgery everything tastes very different. Even crystal light tasted disgustingly sweet. My personal favorites are the IDS vanilla-cinnamon protein (I mix it with my coffee every morning) and syntrax fuzzy navel (I mix that with a scoop of vanilla and crystal light sunrise). But everyone is different. For example--I never like the isopure that other people talk about.
2-water--the best for you is plain old water. I drink propel because I like it Does you vitamin water show sugar grams on the label? I think fructose is a form of sugar--as long as it is a low amount it should be ok. Good luck to you and remember the most important thing is drinking the water and walking in the beginning
I found decaf hot tea went down well shortly post op.