Anyone have this happen still?
Hello all,
I was wondering, does anyone still get caught off guard with some of the food they eat?
So I have had this love/hate relationship with chicken from the beginning. In fact I stopped eating it completely up until about 6 weeks ago. I tried some BBQ chicken thighs that we made at home. Very tentative to say the least. Well, I had no problem at all, so I have slowly been adding chicken into my diet - always legs and thighs, nice moist dark meat.
So last night my kids took all the legs and thighs and I grabbed a breast. Baaaaaad move. I got that bleech feeling almost right away. Now I know I should not eat the white meat, I know that it will be too dry and make me feel like crap, but I guess sometimes I still need my pouch to put me back into check. Needless to say most of the evening was spent thinking I was going to vomit (which I didn't) and I just went to bed to sleep it off. Bummer.
Sure do girl... and many times I sit there saying as Im eating.. its not working.. its broke..i'm not chewing like i should and something is just wrong.... then all of a sudden I feel that awesome full feeling and want to just jump and say YES!!!! its still there... weird.
My bad is the urge to keep pushing for more... I eat only 1/2 a sandwich ..yea dont holler at me I like my breads... and I do eat a few chips with it.. but the demon in me says.. awwwwwww you know you can probably eat a few bites more... of that OTHER half... grrrrrrrrrr I wish there was brain surgery... thats my big downfall... to "drop the food" when I know ENUFF is ENUFF!!!

Ok Time to stop lurking.
I have relived this recently too. I can have a difficult time with Chicken or Beef. But boy oh boy, when it comes to spaghetti, I almost always get sick.. SOOOO, I haven't had any for approx. 5 months until this Monday. Guess what!! up it comes. Dummy that I am. Even the smallest amount can make me sick. I guess we live & learn, I wonder how long it will take me to forget about spaghetti again.
I have been on a low carb diet sine Feb 05, and have taken off some additional weight, so why did I have pasta???? One may never know.
Take Care
MaryLyn -176