? ? ? Today's Vow ? ? ?
on 8/2/05 6:54 pm
on 8/2/05 6:54 pm
Val asked me to start posting the morning "I vow..." posts again because we always found it a good motivator to start the day. A vow is a lot more serious than just "I'm going to try..."
So... tooday I vow to:
? Eat fewer than 1000 calories
? Get in a minimum of 60 grams of protein
? Drink at least 80 ounces of water
Feel free to join in with us and post your vow for the day! Accountability is a positive thing.

Good Morning Dee.....
Today I vow to stay under 1250 calories,
Drink at least 2 sport bottle of water
and "try" to get up and move around a little bit more then yesterday.....
Take my vities, and get at least 2 protein drinks in...
You have a great day.....
and will talk with you tonight to see how we did....
Love ya,
oh damm u sybil
i cant eat on 1200 calories a day now ..as you get out more at 3 years i try to stay at 1800 the minuimin
its alopt harder at 3 years
i just try to make the good food choices
get my fluids in
thats it
if i screw up i screw up
i eat someything wrong once a day
it can be a cookie
a few chips
im not feeling guilty
tossing you a lighter n ciggys
oh spongenbiob
love ya
: like yoy

Good morning Syb,
Oh I usually eat more calories during the day too, but with me being idol with this damn flare up, I know I won't burn them off, so am slacking back till I get back... then the popcorn comes back out....
Hope you have a great day with Lynda today, she is a great lady, give her a hug from me too......
oh and tossing you not only a new pack of cigs and a lighter, but my credit card so you can have fun shopping today......
actually am in a pair of grey jersey shorts this morning, and a pink tee....
Love ya,
and almost as
as the Golden Child..... lol
By the way where has Momma been????

Morning DeeDee,
Today, I vow to stay under 1000 calories - hopefully under 800 and to do the best I can. I also vow not to beat myself up if I'm less than perfect. I have come to the conclusion, the more I berate myself for my stumbles, the more I stumble.
I don't feel it necessary to vow to get the protein or water because those are givens with me. However, I need to vow to stay away from starchy foods like crackers, bread, chips and to not eat peanut butter.
I also vow to be prepared for the day - to have the foods I need available so I don't give into temptation if I get hungry.
Have a great day.