Hey Guys and Chickies,
How did we do on the protein train today??????
I got in 102 protein grams, and 1320 calories..... not to bad..
but could have drank more water for sure....
I found some lipton green tea packets for water bottles, they aren' to bad, and got one down..... but really needed about another 30 ox of water to go with it,,,,,,
How is everyone else doing.. Sorry Iam late but we had some severe storms come through and it knocked out my satallite dish... so am hoping they have the signal back up and I can stay on for a bit......
Hope you all had a wonderful day,
Syb, and the rest of you gals have a wonderful day tomorrow, and please get some pics you can share with us later.....
Love you all,
Wow...I actually made it on first tonight!!...Woohoo!!!
I have no idea how much protein I actually got, but I know I got what I needed. I did NO packing today. Needed a nap this morning instead. Then got my walk in this afternoon, even in this unbearable heat. I tried carrying a small water bottle with me while I walked and it went very well. I thought it might be too cumbersome, but it wasn't too obtrusive like thought it would be. Finished mowing the lawn afterwards so I'm sure I got all of my exercise in like I wanted.
I made some monster burgers for supper tonight and then took the kids to a local waterpark. Just got home and now my wife is kicking me off the 'puter so she can balance the checkbook and pay some bills. I don't think it's only going to take the 10 seconds like the commercial on t.v. says it does though.
Glad you made it through the storms and I will be on tomorrow for sure some time if not a bit later tonight.
You take care now and have a super night...say hi to all in case I don't get back on...Cap'n K-Man

My Sweet Fruit of the Loom,
Every day is a challange, but I realy enjoy hanging out and hoping that we can all ban and give us the support we all needs.......
A nap sounds great, I am almost ready for bed myself, is getting late, but wanted to come in and check on you all.......
You have a wonderful night...... and kick back for a night.....

Val, you did good today, you can work on more water tomorrow.... what a great way to start out keeping on track..... I did my protein today, about 100 grams... my water was slack, but NO SUGAR yeah me LOL.... I love the little green tea packets, If I could put the coffee cup down , I am sure I could hit the water mark lol......

LOL Kiwi,
I figure I gave up on everything except my cigs, and coffee, and have no intenions of giving them up........
'I am happy to stay under 1500 caloies a day....... and with being back on teh boards, with all the love and inspirations, I know I can do thinlllll
Thank god for you, and thank god for this boards!!!!!
on 8/2/05 12:39 pm
on 8/2/05 12:39 pm
I wish we had some of your rain... Mississippi Burning is taking on a whole different meaning these past few weeks.
I did well today; 791 calories, 66 grams of protein, 107 oz. of water, and I walked 1.75 miles on the treadmill and did 2-1/2 reps of 20 crunches.
I'll see you in the morning with a morning vow post, okay? Sweet Dreams!