roll call..........
ok im going to give this a shot if val or me cant do it maybe some onme else can
ok qwestion of the night
Has anyone heard on the news that atkins company has gone bankrupt?
hmm another diet failing now the kick on dieting is low sugar
so qwestion of the night
What was the worst diet that have you have ever been on?
Mines had to be that 7 day diet! that was the worst diet i think i ever did!
i was going to be a brides maid in a wedding and i wanted to lose a few extrtra pounds ..yea i lost a few extra pounds and died a thopusand deaths from the gas pains lol
everyone have a greta night
bouna noche
hugs Joann
lifes a ride enjoy it

OMG I remember... it was a seven day diet.. that put you on a long board in the bathroom...stretched out on that frickin boad.. NO KIDDING with an enima attached to you know where... had to do that sucker I can't remember how many times a day but.. NO Kidding was suppose to PURIFY your body... NO KIDDING...
yep definately that week was full of "****"

In high school I did a grapefuit diet and ONLY ate grapefruit and diet soda. Ugh, I can only imagine the damage I did. But anyways I did that for 2-3 months and dropped 60 pounds. When I went back on real food I couldn't keep it down the first few times I tried to eat. I kept the 60 pounds off for 2 years. Then the yo yo!