lets make a pact!
Old geezer pact--I'll join! but I won't join the Old azz hanger on pact. Joanne--really weird things are happening with my responses. If you sent me a response to my recent email asking for your number can you send it again [email protected]
I am sitting here sending mail and my thingy keeps coming up telling me I have responses and then I click on it and nothing new is there--but really old responses are showing up way far back.. I am totally confused and I really should be packing--not spending time screwing with this.
AWW I can't promise ..but I will do my best to come as often as I can. I hate making promises that someday I will fail at .... After school gets started my attention span goes to pot LOL..
btw I have my grandbaby with me today and she's beggin me to get off and play with her so.. gotta go but .. I'll sure try... cross my heart and may I lose 10lbs if I tell white lies sometimes... WAHOOOO a sure bet on that one!

I'll try too JoAnn...it has been harder getting on here lately though...with the wt. loss, has also come this new found freedom to do so much more and be so much more active. I will tell ya this though...I sure am glad to have this board now. It's great to see all the "old timers" that helped me so much when I was a basket case, almost 2 years ago (when I was starting my journey) on here again. I was feeling badly that I had lost touch with so many of you and every time I get back on this particular board...it feels like I am back at another family reunion!!
Have a super day and I'll do my best...Cap'n K-Man