Hi All, I am here!
you are looking good to me.
I find posting on my profile on a regular basis helps me see life more clearly. I have shared things on it I regretted, especially when I found out someone was reading it, and holding what I said against me. But in the long run I decided it is theraputic and I'm not going to quit regardless of the turkeys out there. It is ok to fail. it is ok to have a bad day, week, or month.
BUT, life goes on. It is not the mistakes you make in life that matter but what you learn from them .
Use your mistakes / percieved failures to your advantage. Use them to know yourself better, to change for the better and be a person you are proud of. Just the fact that you are thinking about this stuff tells me you are a good person and you have significant things to offer the world!
Love to you.
Ummmmmmmm Theresa that is a little extreme, plus a mess to clean up, how about making a pact that we come back here and get back on track together with everyone else... We have all been together for so long, I know we can all help each other....
You and I left OH at the same time, and for reason we really need to chat about, but I think by leaving we hurt our own selves, we need to get at least an hour or so a day back on the support boards....
so am planning to sneak on during the day when I can, and at night after dinner, when Mike is watching TV and I can have some down time....
Is time to clear the souls, air our dirty laundry about tails of oreo's and pizza, and then start fresh...
We can all do it if we ban together......
Love ya Sweets, and hope to see you here more often......
have missed you......

Hey Theresa -- Camp sounds like fun! I wouldn't stress too much about it. Life has a way of gettin' in the way of stuff we know we should be doing. Weighing yourself on Wed will be a start. If you have gained a few then you know you will need to step away from the smores and maybe go hiking a day or two..
You are not failing.. You are just having a temporary setback.
Hope you continue to have a fun summer at camp..

Hey you...
...I only have a minute to respond, but I will say that no matter how you feel, you can still get back on track. I have slipped a little too and am working now on getting back to where I need to be. You'll get there soon...I just know it!! Now, get on that scale, take your lumps and do what you know you need to do to be who you want to be. I know you can do it!!
I would recommend though that since you are worried that you may faint when you get in the shower from the shock...(I doubt you will be totally shocked) you may want to wear a bike helmet first. NOONE here wants to read about you in the papers for going out that way!!!
Get back on your
and take it one day at a time...Here's to you my friend...Cap'n K-Man

nope you are not a failing you are just having a temporary sidetrip in your journey.....so hop back on the path with the rest of us...............
so glad to see your face you are an important part of why I have always loved this site!! your real and you are a caring person!!
gratitude is my attitude
Amanda S VG-DS October 2001
highest >350/342 start of wls journey/156@goal and after ps

i miss camping in summer!!!
and i have missed you!!!!
and...i have regained-before i even lost everything-my hubby has been quite ill this summer and guess who mustabeen a stress eater????
back on the plan.....
i agree with ken about the bike helmet--wouldn't be a pretty site-and someone would certainly chalk it up to death by wls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Theresa!!!!!!!
Really, we do need a "hug" emoticon on here. You're not failing sweetie - just backsliding a bit. (I know the feeling WAY too well!!!!!) E-mail me sometime so we can catch up! [email protected]