30lbs in 3 months...not good
O.K. in April I was about 324lbs. and I set the goal to be under 300 by the Orlando Event. Well, that didn't happen, despite starting water aerobics and eating better. I knew that lately I had been around 342, and that bothered me...well this morning I weighed 349.6
What the *bleep* is wrong with me. Normally I would blame it on the fluid in my legs, but honestly they aren't any more swollen than usual. I have been having really messed up cycles and have started my period AGAIN, but really 30lbs...that's hard to pinpoint on anything. I have NEVER gained at this rate...not even when I was eating fast food everyday sometimes twice a day did I gain this quickly. My lipedema makes it hard to loss, but I can't account for feeling as if I've gained 30lbs, with clothes, etc. I am really buckling down, my roommate and I have started the LA weight loss plan, she used to do it, so she knows the diet. I'm making modifications based on my surgeons protocol.

I'm not putting it off, she is. I was suppose to see her in May and got bumped to July, now it was bumped to August 29th, but I called and told them I can't take off that day, it's our first day of classes...but I haven't heard back from them. She wanted me to lose 60lb in order to have hernia repair, and now I've gained and need to lose 80!
Hi Sarah...I'm not sure what could be causing the gain either. I too would recommend contacting your surgeon ASAP though. I wonder if there is something wrong with your pouch or intestines that might be causing the gain.
That being said, I still think you are doing a super job and deserve all the support in the world.
Take care and be good to yourself...Cap'n K-Man