Have you updated your profile lately?
Hey Elle.. I know some folks are just not internet smart but I wish more would keep up with their profile... Many pre ops go to our sites and absorb .. learning from those before them. Plus some post for help and when going to their profile with no details it makes it heard to even get a "whole" picture. I definately keep mine up to date just cause of my own Memory SUCKS... I have went back and read alot of what I wrote and darn if I have forgotten so much the later I go out! lol I stick links that I want to keep on my profile .. mostly for myself lol but hope that others can find some use as well. I call my profile my "Kitchen Drawer" ya know the one what has alittle of EVERYTHING in it lol..
Its nice to see a fellow grad who keeps up as well. Thanks for reminding us all about how much help it can be down the road for all of us!

this is two posts today about memory loss. Charlene Carlisle is the other one. I have been seeing some stuff on the main board about some of us having short term memory loss as a side effect of the surgery. Lory mercy, it will happen to us all. Wonder what is causing all that? Charlie C went thru a spell of it because of artificial sweetners. I bet these docs that cut us all open don't even begin to know what will happen to us down the road. Scarey!!!!!!!!!!