Good morning and question!!
Have I mentioned yet how excited I am to have this new board? Maybe once or twice.
Anyway--as someone who is struggling a little bit now and trying to get back on the wagon I figured this was the perfect place to conduct a little unscientific poll--
1--If you could offer one hint to your fellow wls grads that would help with their success--what would it be?
2--What is your #1 regret--something you wish you had done?
I'm trying to come up with my own reply--so many hints and so many regrets it is hard to decide. BTW--having this surgery is definitely NOT a regret. Never for one second did I ever regret it.
Have a great day guys--I have to pack and get ready for my trip to Boston, but I will return later. Maybe tomorrow I'm gonna try some eating/drinking questions. I am so interested in figuring this thing out.
Looks like you and I are in the same frame of mind this morning.....
I need to get back on the protein train, and get my act in gear.... and am going to dig out my water bottles as soon as I finish my coffee.....
You have a great day, will catch you later..... oh and my biggest regret, was taste testing a cookie.... I wish I have never tried that.... cause now I know I can, and I also know it is lethal....... LOL

my number one regret was not practicing new healthy lifelong eating habits in the first six months, at that time i thought "if i can only eat 4 chips, what does it matter?" or "if i can only eat 2 bites of a cheeseburger..." but it mattered alot, and i dint "get that" til it was late in the game, everyone should retrain the btain the first six months out when u have zero appetite, wich gives u all the control needed to make the good choices.
Myrtle M.
on 8/1/05 12:51 am - Duluth, MN
on 8/1/05 12:51 am - Duluth, MN
I'm 4 years out and am excited for this new board.
My #1 Hint to newbies: Is to get your head in the game BEFORE this surgery and make sure you have help in place after. So many struggle with mental issues-head issues that can be helped and make this surgery such a breeze.
#2 Regret: Is that I didn't use the time I had from the first day post op to do things I could now do and to get the exercise to be a habit. I still do it but not as much as I would like and I wasted months that I could have been tightening and toning and feel I 'd be in such better shape if I had just used the time more wisely.
AT 4 years out I'm still at goal and maintaining but need to work on exercise and getting back in shape - have been doing too much computer work lately and sitting is NOT good!
1. My best hint for success: learn all you can about nutrition. At our stage a balanced diet is absolutely essential. Protein first, certainly, but a good balance of fruits and vegies as well. I'm amazed that so many long termers still rely heavily on protein shakes, which simply do not provide a balanced meal plan. For several months after WLS I hired a nutritionist and it was money very well spent. Our health is a very complex thing and no one or two actions will ensure it.
2. Regret? I wish I had taken time to learn about nutrition years ago, before WLS. Instead, I relied on brief articies in a magazine or assumed that following any well known diet program I was on would take the place of knowing much about nutrition. I was so wrong.
30 months post-op, -141 and maintained for 20 months.
1--If you could offer one hint to your fellow wls grads that would help with their success--what would it be?
I would have to say Do not stress so much over a pound or two. We are not going to gain our weight back if we have learned to eat properly. We might go up a few pounds but nothing that we cannot quickly gain control of if we try. We are the WLS GRADS!!!!!! We know how to work our tools. It comes as a natural thing now but it is so easy to worry.
2--What is your #1 regret--something you wish you had done
I really can't think of any regrets. I can't even say I wish I had done it earlier because i was only obese a few months. Just the time it took me to complete all my pre-op tests. Those that are familiar with my story about the old JIB and the bowel obstruction will know why .
Have a great trip to Boston. Yes, this board is wonderful. I just hope it staus active. So many of the boards have a huge draw the first week or two then people hardly ever visit anymore after the new wears off.
One of the most important things to me is keeping up an exercise routine, week in and week out. Most successful losers/maintainers do it. I used to be so sedentary, but now I miss it if I don't get to exercise, it's so strange. I don't love to exercise, but I love how I feel when I've done it! And of course, it's so much easier than it was when I was so big.
Regrets? I can't really think of any, I've been so blessed.
-147# @ goal
As a Grad who never actually made it to a goal weight (but I've reached my size goal), it sounds kinda funny to give advice. But since you asked... I will say that the true key (for me) is not worrying so much about carbs and diet as it is staying active and exercising regularly. I don't remember *****plied that her thing is swing dancing, but that is an activity she enjoys and is very good exercise. That's the thing. Find things you like to do and do them regularly.
No regrets here. I don't regret having sugar. I know my limits and occasionally still dump when I cross the line.
Wish I could help more, but I can't say that I've had much trouble.