Jane--I arrive tonight around midnight and leave the following Wednesday. Would you like to get together? I think I am meeting Joann tomorrow if that works--if not I am pretty flexible--except for Thursday and Sunday. I heard the weather might not be that great. Like I haven't seen enough rain here!?
Hi Lynda!!
I am doing great since the abdominoplasty. I can't believe it has already been 2 months since I had it done. Today was my first day back to work and I worked a really long day, so I am pretty tired and my stomach muscles are sore. But in general I have been feeling great. I have to admit though that the recovery from this surgery was my roughest recovery. I never had mu*****ision pain, but the nerve regeneration pain and the sore muscles took a while to get over. And the first couple of weeks I was really hunched over and my back took a real beating ~ I had alot of muscle spasms. But it is all good now and I am really pleased with my results!!!