Much support and prayers needed for fellow "Grad"...
Hi all.
I don't know if you all remember Georgette Wait a.k.a....Gigee, but she will be having back surgery tomorrow. She has had some pretty serious issues with her back for a little while now and she is having a super hard time with it right now. She had surgery about a year and a half ago and has done super so far. Her attitude and personality are second to none and I consider her a super friend even though we have never met face to face. I hope to someday.
Anywho...I promised her that I would try to drum up some support for her and I think that's why tonight of all nights I discovered this new board. Perfect for getting the support of us old timers out to her.
Please, if you have even 15 seconds, drop her a line to her support page and let her know you got her back and are here supporting her. It is my understanding that "Cajun" will have an update on her condition tomorrow but I don't know what time.
Thanks again and I hope you all have a super evening and week...Cap'n K-Man