Another Place for Me??
I haven't talked with Virginia yet.....I need to call her but this new job has kicked my hiney for the past couple of days.....I need to get to her tho, after talking with Monica....I really want to see Virginia do well.....I'm just a little skittish about posting to the OFF about this......some of them are sooo darned political!!! LOLOL
OFF has really gone off the past couple days.......I won't be there anymore....for sure...too many owners and bosses know you have to be related to someone to be liked or your just not in there crowd.....
Get busy on your work young need to save up some money for Dec.....if my hubby doesn't want to go this year, want to share a room with some of us?
Oh Lynda,
Thanks for the welcome! I'm pleased to be here. I hope I have something to offer and share.......
Please don't misunderstand me......I feel better too. My feet don't hurt at knees do not hurt either. I am not in the wheelchair in Disneyland......I do not walk like Walter Brennan. I can actually make love with my husband now, and that had been given up on totally, just physically impossible. I can walk 6 miles and hike and ride bikes, swim and work out like a mad woman. I do yoga and play with my boxers on the floor, and actually get up from the floor. I can stand for over 10 hours at a time and I can move like a healthy child for hours and hours with energy to burn........
I do feel better physically......but emotionally.....well, I guess if push came to shove I would have to say I feel better, yeah it's better I guess, but it's sooo uncomfortable in its unfamiliarity that it hurts worse sometimes. I was miserable emotionally when fat...but it was a known miserable and I had a way to "cope" with it in the short term. Now, I cannot find any coping mechanism that works for more than 5 minutes, and they all seem to hurt one person or another including me the most.
This growing stuff is difficult for me! I know I sound like a whiner and I guess you'll get to know me as a very vocal member of this board...I pretty much am "out there" with what I feel and the truth for me.
Actually you are very fortunate......LOLOLOL......I'm 10 x better than I used to be!!! Ask Darlene! LOL....
Every day it's about progress not perfection and I'm living proof!
I am not looking forward to going out any further...I am thirteen months...yes that lucky thirteen. I feel like I eat too least I know calories are too much....1800! Its a battle to stay on track. I can't imagine if it will be harder than it is now. I know when I am not stressing and happy my calorie intake can get back to the norm...1200! Not losing and I know why! My exercising has improved and I do go in cycles with that too! Can't life be like a straight long road vs the rollercoaster. I feel like things have gotten harder for me. I have to deal with things now vs swallowing them and that has been a very difficult lesson. Its nice to meet you and I hope we can help one another deal with these wonderful chapters of our lives....the healthy ones! Happy 2 years!
Hi Debbie,
Nice to meet you too!!! I too look forward to getting to know you and the others here that have "other concerns" than we find on most of the message boards.......this is the greatest thing to come along since I found OH 18 months ago...........
I've been pretty active here in my own little fishpond and this is just a wonderful addition to my support system.......
I would vote for the straight long road any day, but no one gave me a ballot!!