12 years post-op
I mainly wanted to say hi and a quick introduction. I'm 12 years post-op RnY. I have lost and maintained - 150lbs. I used to be on these message boards a ton back then. I first came here for learning about my ex-husbands RnY, and then prior to my own surgery and after... But of course the further after surgery I kinda drifted away from here. I think it might be good for me to have some other long term post-op people in my life so I can delve into health issues this far out and find others *****late. Thanks! - Dee
Great! I'm sort of in the same boat. Had my surgery 13 years ago. I still have challenges and days and weeks where I struggle. Overall I'm doing great though. I moved from the city where I had my surgery and don't have a group where I am now. I also used to come to OH a lot early on and am now revisiting and remembering that being in touch with others is always good.
Hey! I am 11 years post-op RNY and I lost 154 pounds.
I have regained 70. Yes, that sucks, but I'm back to work on it. The cool thing is that when I work it like I'm supposed to, my weight begins to drop. It still works.
I'm back for the same reason, to be in touch with long-timers for mutual encouragement.

Extended tummy tuck/hernia repair on July 28, 2008! Five pounds of skin removed!
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. ~W.D
Weight at surgery on July 26, 2006: 304 lbs
Lowest weight: 147 (157 pounds lost!)
Regain over the past 2 years (2012-2014) - 59 pounds
REBOOTING! :) Working on losing back down to 160 (beginning Jan. 18, 2015)
Stephanie, I am working on 30 lbs of regain and I hope to have a tummy tuck when I get there. How has the weight regain affected your plastic surgery?
Also, its encouraging to hear that when you start doing the right stuff again, you lose again....I've been afraid I'd have to eat 500 calories a day to lose anything! I am just getting started again but very much looking forward to being able to wear all the clothes in my closet!
Good for you! Getting those 30 pounds off now before they turn into 50 is a great idea!
My tummy tuck is great. When I regain, my tummy is still flat, but the fat that would've gone to those fat cells goes to other places, like my thighs. Don't love that, either, but when I lose the pounds, they'll slim down again.
Tummy tuck was the best $6k I ever spent! I think that's how much it was, in 2008. :)

Extended tummy tuck/hernia repair on July 28, 2008! Five pounds of skin removed!
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. ~W.D
Weight at surgery on July 26, 2006: 304 lbs
Lowest weight: 147 (157 pounds lost!)
Regain over the past 2 years (2012-2014) - 59 pounds
REBOOTING! :) Working on losing back down to 160 (beginning Jan. 18, 2015)
That is pricey, for sure, but there are lots of factors that come into play. Mine was nine years ago, so that's the biggest thing. It also varies from city to city, based on local competition, experience of the surgeon, etc. So I guess it makes sense, even though it'd be nice if it was cheaper!

Extended tummy tuck/hernia repair on July 28, 2008! Five pounds of skin removed!
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. ~W.D
Weight at surgery on July 26, 2006: 304 lbs
Lowest weight: 147 (157 pounds lost!)
Regain over the past 2 years (2012-2014) - 59 pounds
REBOOTING! :) Working on losing back down to 160 (beginning Jan. 18, 2015)
Would love to post with you, i'm too getting back on track before the holidays and get some of this regain off....i'm at 40 lbs and I feel yucky!! I miss all the energy I had and positivity!! I've had a lot happen in 5 years but its only going to get better!! This I know!!
Just going to start tracking and drinking my water and see how that improves things!! protein first, veggies and exercise!!! Hope to talk with you soon!!
Hi Guys. I'm 56 yrs old and 13 years postop RnY. I weigh about 130 now and I've lost 180 (wow... i usually just "over 100 lbs") I haven't spent time on this board in a long time, but happy to be back and provide support to any who are having issues. Gaining weight has never been a problem since I got it off. I did a lot of exercising while losing weight, but still had lots of loose skin. I weighed about 175 when I had began reconstructive surgery. I weighed between 165-175 for a number of years during and after that time and then lost weight for various reasons 5-10 lbs at a time till I got down to 125. I worked 3 years to get up to 140 . I have to really be mindful of my nutrition to KEEP my weight on. It's all a long story and I know, most people don't want to hear about THAT problem. But it's a problem none the less. This photo is in January right before I began a Healthy Eating challenge... it's my before picture (my after isn't too different)
I am a good resource for nutrition, reconstructive surgery (i've had a LOT - I have 12 feet of scars on my body!) and well just about anything else you want to know - I'm here to help - that's why I came back :-)