I had my surgery 7/8/2003 and have managed to keep the weight off. I went from a size 52 dress to a size 12. I have been so very comfortable weight 200-212..
I recently been in the hospital and was pumped full of steriods due to acute bronchitis, I have gained 30-35 pounds and feel it. Oh my moving just about doing everything is tryinI am freaking out oh my goodness freaking out because this has to stop.
It's been since Oct since I have been in and I need help with suggestions.
Do I go back to the beginning of surgery and eat that way what do I do.
I lost 216. at one time my total was 220 pounds lost. M at all. It's funny I can go without eating for a whole day and have to ask myself did I eat today? My diet hasnt changed a bit.
Suggestions.. look Im ready to go back and ask for a revision!!! Just to make sure I don't reach 50lbs gained.
Im not having this weight gain at all it needs to come off. 2 months 35 pounds.. I can't even get itno my clothes.. my size 12 im so happy with now im weigh 14-26 cloth size.. I refuse to buy new clothe..
sorry as you can read I am freaking out!!!
Thanks in advance!!
First of all congratulations on keeping off the weight!! I've been out of band surgery since 2003 and I've put back on 50 lbs but I wish I were thinking and freaking out like you about 30 lbs ago!
I went back to my dr and got a "fill". I had no restriction before then because I had complications 2 yrs ago. I thought after losing 130lbs that even without the working of the band on my stomach I could keep the weight off from what I've learned.
Well I proved that I need my wt loss surgery. I've lost the first 5 lbs of the 50 I need to lose but I'm on my way.
Again I think it's great that you're stopping your self NOW! You can get back on track!

Thea... Congratulations on your loss and for reaching out for support!
I'm in the same boat. I am up 20 pounds and not happy with the situation but I've been up 20 before... (Well, ok - 15 give or take. I generally carry 5-10 pounds of bloat).
Speaking of bloat... You mentioned that this all came on when you were on steroids. Steroids make EVERYONE puffy until they leave your system completely. My husband is 6 ft tall - about 150 pounds and he has Ulcerative Colitis. His doctor puts him on prednisone when he gets a flare and he automatically gains 10 pounds of water weight and looks puffy. Stay calm! Give it a few weeks.
It's only 20 pounds... you don't need a revision! My suggestion for now is to really focus on your water intake - and cut down on the carbs. If you do that - in the next couple of days you'll need bathroom reading material from being there so often and the scale will start moving in a favorable direction.
It's a process - a lifetime ongoing thing we're all going through. Adjust for the ups and celebrate the downs!
High Tea with Cougars (Le blog)
You must be tall or nicely proportioned...I weigh 170 now, my lowest was 147 and a size 10 for a few months. Now I am in a 14. I hate that I get hung up on the number, but it hurts sometimes. My ability to eat varies like crazy. I can eat a huge amount of pasta, but a chicken breast or cooked burger patty makes me uncomfortable. The other day I actually got the sweats and the slimes, that hasn't happened in a while. If I wait until I am starving, I eat too fast and pay the price. And we took the "easy way out" :D
I need to get back on the wagon; I almost miss the days when an ounce of protein shake was a challenge. And to make it worse, I am rebelling against the handful of vitamins I have to choke down in a day, nearly 20 pills.
Someone feel free to give me a swift kick in the ass!!
thanks for listening :)